Evo Morales and the Roman Catholic Church

Evo Morales and the Roman Catholic Church

The socialist administration of Bolivian President Evo Morales has not always had a good relationship with the Bolivian hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. This has become a problem for Morales as polls taken in the early 2000s indicate that 77% of the Bolivian population say they are Catholic, meaning that about seven million of the nine million Bolivians follow the Roman Catholic faith.cite news|title=Bolivian archbishop decriesCommunistactions of the government|date=2006-07-18|publisher=Catholic News Agency|url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7194 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007] cite news|title=Morales: Catholic leaders acting like 'Inquisition'|url=http://www.wwrn.org/article.php?idd=22252&sec=4&cont=8|publisher=Associated Press|date=2006-07-26 Retrieved on February 8, 2007] When faced with a Morales policy that they disagree with, Catholic Bishops of Bolivia are able to inspire large demonstrations against the measures. The Catholic Church draws most of its support from the cities, and little from the higher rural areas (where Morales draws his main support) due to "a lack of resources and to indigenous cultural resistance to Church efforts to replace traditional attitudes".cite web|title=Bolivia - International Religious Freedom Report 2005|url=http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2005/51628.htm|publisher=US State Dept. Retrieved on Feb. 13, 2007] Morales has stated that he is a Catholic, [cite news|title=Capitalism Has Only Hurt Latin America|date=2006-09-04 |publisher=Der Spiegel|url=http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=10880 Retrieved on Feb. 13, 2007] , he like many rural Bolivians was raised with a combination of Catholicism and belief in "the Pachamama or Mother Earth figure, as well as on Ekeko, a traditional indigenous god of luck, harvests, and general abundance".cite web|url=http://www.evomorales.net/paginasEng/perfil_Eng_infan.aspx|title=Evo Morales profile > childhood Retrieved on Feb. 13, 2007] Other indigenous leaders like Felix Patzi (see below) follow a pure indigenous faith and "discard all forms of Christianity; however, this effort has not led to a significant increase in the number of "indigenous-belief only" worshippers."

The special place given to Catholicism in Bolivia can be seen in Article 3 of the Bolivian constitution, which says, “The State recognizes and sustains the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Religion. It guarantees the public exercise of all other faiths. Relations with the Catholic Church shall be governed by concordats and agreements between the Bolivian State and the Holy See.”cite news|title=Church not asking to be official religion of the State, Bolivian cardinal says| date=2006-06-20|publisher=Catholic News Agency| url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=6993 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007] The United States State Department has characterized this as "the Constitution recognizes it [Catholicism] as the official religion", a statement that the comments of Bolivian Bishops (see below) would seem to disagree with.

Bolivian Catholic theocracy?

On June 18 2006, the Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Cardinal Julio Terrazas, addressed the rumors that congressional candidates to the Bolivian parliament were saying that the Catholic Church was demanding to be made the official religion of Bolivia. In his Sunday sermon the cardinal assured people that they werenot seeking or fighting to achieve such a goal”. He pointed out that the bishops had until recently been open to reviewing the Bolivian constitutions article that granted special recognition to the role of Catholicism. The cardinal said, “They keep saying we are fighting for that article. Not so! Let it be reviewed, but let it be done intelligently and fully. Lets not deny that this country has truly received the seeds of the Kingdom of justice and of truth that the Lord has brought, and that that has been part of her history, and that is why in so many parts of Bolivia we are proud to be Catholics.” The cardinal pointed out that Catholicism had stopped being the official state religion of Bolivia since 1967 and said the Church is merely asking forrespectandrecognition of the work she has done.” He said those who are calling for secularismare hiding their other intentionsto strip Bolivia of religion andorder a country in such a way that God is not present.”

Church land seized

In early June, 2006 the socialist party of Evo Morales (Movimiento al Socialismo) seized lands adjacent to a Marian Shrine in Copacabana. These lands where originally given to the shrine decades ago by the Bolivian government so that income derived by use of the land would help support the shrine. At the seizure party loyalists declared that they were taking only theunproductive lands of the Church”, and the land was divided into seven lots and several trees were cut down. Father Obermaier, in charge of the shrine called for the government to resolve the situation. [cite news|title=Ruling Socialist party in Bolivia seizes lands surrounding national Marian shrine|url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=6923|date=2006-06-08 |publisher=Catholic News Agency Retrieved on Feb. 10, 2007]

Call to stop having Catholic feast days as national holidays

On July 27, 2006 while the education reform controversy was ongoing (see below) the Socialist Senator Antonio Peredo joined with other members of Morales"Movimiento al Socialismo" in the Bolivian Parliament to call for an end of recognizing Catholic feast days such as Corpus Christi and All Saints Day as national holidays. The suggested policy was to only recognize Holy Week and Christmas. For the nationally recognized holidays to change the policy would have to be approved by the full Parliament. [cite news|title= Government contemplates eliminating religious holidays in Bolivia|date= 2006-07-27|url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7271 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007]

Conflict over religious classes in state schools

In early June 2006, Bolivian Education Minister Felix Patzi working under President Evo Morales declared thateducation will emphatically be secular and no longer Catholic. Religion classes will now be optional instead of obligatory. There will be a course on the history of religions: indigenous, Arabic, or Catholic.”cite news|title= Bolivian government to eliminate Catholicism from classrooms|url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=6934|publisher=Catholic News Agency|date= 2006-06-12 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007] The reform called forsecular education that respects the beliefs, the spirituality of indigenous and native nations and of the Bolivian nations as the basis of individual and communitarian rights.” The Bolivian Roman Catholic hierarchy immediately opposed this proposal and saw it as an attack on religion in Bolivia they were outspoken against the measure and organized protests against it.

Announcement by Patzi

In June 2006 Minister Felix Patzi (a sociologist of Aymara Indian descent who practices "a pre-Colombian religion that worships the earth goddess") brought organizational opposition against the Morales governments' ideas when he declared that "Catholicism would no longer bethe officialreligion taught at schools."cite news|title=Bolivian president, education minister slam bishops|date=2006-07-26| publisher=Catholic News Agency|url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7258 Retrieved on Feb. 8, 2007] Patzis said that he wanted to end thethe religious monopolyof the Catholic faith in schools and allow all faith to be taughtfrom oriental religions to those practiced by our native peoples.”cite news|title=Cardinal Terrazas calls on Bolivians to defend right to practice their faith|date= 2006-07-12| url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7157 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007] He said he end the policy that makes Catholic religious classes obligatory for students, and called the existing systemcolonial”. In an interview with the newspaper La Razon, Patzi said, “In Bolivia the people are not only Catholic, but also of other religious faiths.” He stated his fear of the issueleading to confrontation among Bolivians”.

After protests by the Catholic hierarchy Patzi clarified that the sectarian Roman Catholic classes taught in state schools would be replaced with a "history of religions" class that would include a focus on traditional indigenous beliefs alongside Catholicism and other faiths practiced in Bolivia.cite news|title=In Bolivia, Speaking Up for Native Languages|date=2007-01-31|author=Monte Reel|publisher=The Washington Post|url=http://www.cantonrep.com/index.php?ID=333418&Category=24 Retrieved on Jan. 31, 2007] Patzi said thatCatholicism would no longer be theofficial religionof the countrys educational system.”cite news|title= Church leaders in Bolivia demand clarification from government on religious instruction in schools|date= 2006-06-14|url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=6958 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007] The Morales governments announced its policy as a call forsecular education that respects the beliefs, the spirituality of indigenous and native nations and of the Bolivian nations as the basis of individual and communitarian rights.” It was announced that the proposal would come before the National Assembly for a vote on August 6, 2006.cite news|url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7233 |title=Evangelical theologian calls for abandonment of Christianity and return to BoliviasAndean religion”|date= 2006-07-24|publisher=Catholic News Agency Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007]

Bishops critique Patzi

Immediately after Patzi's statements Archbishop Tito Solari of Cochabamba said the Morales government must be consistent when it talks about respecting beliefs, whichimplies respecting the Catholic beliefs of the majority of Bolivians.” He defended the existence ofCovenant schoolswhich are administered by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, but are paid for by Bolivian taxes drawn from both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Solari saidParents are the first and foremost educators of their children, therefore they have the right to choose the kind of education they want. …families are very appreciative of the schools that are administered by the Church, which serve the community and, in a special way, those in need.” He defined what he thought was the proper role of the government saying, “The state and the institutions of civil society can contribute, in a democratic atmosphere, to people choosing the best educational model for the integral and critical formation of persons.”

In mid-June, 2006 a spokeswoman for the Bolivian BishopsCommittee on Education demanded that the Morales government clarify its position on religious instruction in state schools. She said, “We are anxious, not out of fear but out of concern, that the government define its position in order to begin dialogue.” She took issue with Patzi labeling the current system ascolonialist”, saying heis ignoring the Churchs contribution to culture, education, health care and development in Bolivia.” She pointed out that the Church respects other beliefs and is not asking for Catholicism to be forced upon the people. She accused the socialist Morales government of having an anti-faith bias, “I think the problem is not with the Church, but with the faith of the people who are 80% Catholic.”

Responding to Patzi's comments the Archbishop of Santa Cruz, Cardinal Julio Terrazas Sandoval, called for Bolivian Catholics to defend their faith he also called on President Morales to notethe difference between a lay State and a secular State that is hostile to religions. … [the Catholic Church will defend] the universal right to profess a religion. This is unrenounceable and non-negotiable. This is the basis for helping to form a family that is much more united in the cause of the kingdom of justice and peace and to build a country that is not in constant turmoil.” Bishop Jesus Juarez of El Alto accused the Morales government of usingdouble-speakin its educational policies. After the Bishops statements Morales stressed thatreligion courses would not be eliminated from public schools”.

National Educational Congress walk out

In July 10-15, 2006 in Sucre, Bolivia during a meeting of the National Educational Congress delegates from the BishopsConference of Bolivia walked out claiming ithad become political and exclusivethe government is seeking to impose its new education law, which reflects an attitude that prevents dialogue about certain aspects of the future of education in Bolivia.”cite news|title=Bolivian education minister pledges to uphold religious instruction in public schools|date=2006-07-17 |publisher=Catholic News Agency|url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7184 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007] Education Minister Felix Patzi spoke with several Bishops in a late-night meeting and pledged to uphold religious instruction in schools and respect the Church-State agreement, sayingWe recognize the contribution of the Church in the area of education, technical formation, and other areas. Religious subject matter will respect the diversity of religions and that is something we share with the Church, everyone has the right to practice the diversity of other religions, there was never any disagreement on that.” Bishop Jesus Juarez of El Alto, who together with Auxiliary Bishop Luis Sainz of Cochabomba, said that not only do parochial schools have a fundamental right to offer instruction according to their own confession but that in state schoolsthe parents should be able to choose which type of religious instruction their children will receive.” Bishop Sainz demanded the Morales governmentclarify and come up with a consensus about the concept of secular education so that there are no longer any doubts.” At the end of its conference the National Educational Congress led by Patzi approved a resolution saying, “Education in Bolivia is secular and pluralistic because it respects the spirituality of each culture and freedom of belief, it promotes its own values, and rejects every type of dogmatisms.” They called for the "curricula [to] be adapted in accord with the diverse beliefs of the country". While before Patzi had stated that the policy would only go into effect after its consideration by the Bolivian Parliament, after the Educational Congress approved the measure he declared that its conclusions "were binding and would be implemented immediately." This drew another wave of protests from Bolivian Catholics who demanded Patzi's resignation.

Archbishop Tito Solari described the Morales government's actions at the event as operatingin a Communist fashion, the government imposed its ideology without any room for dialogue.” After the Bishops delegates had left those remaining approved the policy to expand the scope of the religious classes. Auxiliary Bishop Estanislao Dowlaszewicz of Santa Cruz characterized the results by sayingToday some people live as if they were allergic to religion or the Church… [depicting it as] a danger for the future of the country… [they are trying to] remove not only religion from the classroom, but God as well.” Archbishop Edmundo Abastoflor of La Paz made comments believed to be in response to the education question saying at a commemoration of Bolivian independence. In front of the attending Bolivian President Evo Morales, the archbishop declared, “It is crazy to think that God doesnt exist or that we can forget about Him. …No matter how important we might be in this world, there is someone who is more so than us.”

Leading Protestant responds

In late July, 2006 Protestant theologian, Matias Preisweik, of the Ecumenical Higher Institute endorsed the new policy at a forum calledThe State, Religion, and the New Political Constitution”. He saidin this moment of re-appreciation of things Andean, is there not the dream of having a country ruled by the values of its own ancestral and holistic religiosity?” He criticized the Catholic Church saying itis recognized as the tutelary institution, like the Armed Forces, but in religious matters… [and] it portrays itself as a superior force that intercedes for Bolivians before the Kingdom of God.” He called for a greater separation of Church and State and cited the difficulties of those calling for legalizing abortion on demand as an example of Catholicism imposing its views. (The Catholic Church's position on abortion in Bolivia had recently gained international attention in 2000 when Bishop Jesus Juarez considered excommunicating Judge Juan Luis Ledezma for ignoring Church directives and ordering doctors to go ahead and allow a 12 year-old girl raped by her step-father to have an abortion. [cite news|title= Judge May Be Excommunicated For Ordering Abortion|date= 2000-03-20|publisher=Catholic News Agency| url= http://www.cathnews.com/news/003/92.html Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007] .)Responding to Preisweik's comments Archbishop Edmundo Abastoflor of La Paz said that the Churchdoes not exercise or hold any political power and that her members live the vocation of service through educational and social works, in benefit of those in need.”

Escalating rhetoric

On July 23, 2006 Bolivia's Cardinal Julio Terrazas told Catholics they needed to stop being "passive" and defend the faith. He warned them thatGreat wars began with small theories ... with this discourse of hate, rancor, of unforgiveness.” Patzi then came out against the Catholic hierarchy stating, "They are saying we are going to destroy the Church and its beliefs. How untrue! Excellencies, do not lie to the people, give them the whole truth, the hard truth. The truth does not destroy. Hypocrisy sooner or later will become visible.” By July 25, 2006 Catholic organizations had led street marches in cities including Santa Cruz and Tarija. After these protests Patzi went further in his claims, saying "The Church is now showing her true face. The Church is now on the side of the oligarchy, because for 514 years the Church has been at the service of the oligarchy and the rich. Nobody can deny it." Morales then came out in support of Patzi accusing the bishops of actingas if this were the Inquisition.” He claimed that the bishops werestill seeking a certain vestige of power.” Morales explained his comments to reporters, saying "I want to ask the (church) hierarchies that they understand freedom of religion and beliefs in our country. It's not possible to impose their views. … [I am] worried by the behavior of some Catholic Church leaders who are acting like in times of the Inquisition."

Jorge Quiroga

In late July, 2006 Former Bolivian president, Jorge Quiroga (who lost the 2005 election to Evo Morales), criticized the remarks of President Morales which compared the actions of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Bolivia with the Inquisition. Quiroga saidthat such rhetoric should be avoided because it only brings negative consequences.” He declared he would champion the opposition against the government policies on religious classes, sayingReligion is an issue that should not be politicized. What we have clearly said (as the opposition) is that the teaching of religion be respected and we are going to defend it” [cite news|title=Ex-Bolivian president to defend religious instruction in schools at Constitutional Assembly|date=2006-07-28|publisher=Catholic News Agency|url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7277 Retrieved on Feb. 13, 2007]

Morales' reversal

The calls by the Catholic hierarchy to resist Moralespolicy against sectarian religious classes in state schools caused a dip in his popularity. In mid-July 2006 the newspaper La Razon did a survey of 1,009 Bolivians living in the country's four major cities. The survey showed Morales with an approval rating of 68 percent, down from 75 percent in June. It also found that 83 percent of Bolivians surveyed have a favorable opinion of the Catholic church.cite news|title=Bolivia keeps Catholicism in schools"|author=Carlos Valdez|date=2006-07-31|publisher=The Associated Press|url= http://www.wwrn.org/article.php?idd=22305&sec=4&cont=8 Retrieved on Feb. 10, 2007]

On July 30, 2006, after a 2 1/2 hour conference with Cardinal Julio Terrazas, Morales in the city of Cochabamba, ended the dispute by reversing his stance and backing away from the proposal. The Associated Press reported that in a joint statementthat mentioned religious diversity but made no provision for broadening the scope of the solely Catholic curriculum taught in Bolivia's schools”, both men saidThe government and the Catholic church agree to preserve the course on religion, respecting the existing religious diversity in the country.”

Confederation of Inner City Education Workers of Bolivia

In September 2006, the Confederation of Inner City Education Workers of Bolivia in a proposal balledRescuing the Homelandcalled for a law that would eliminate all religious instruction in state schools including the 200 state-funded covenant schools which are administered by the Catholic Church. The proposal saidEducation should be secular, if we want it to be scientific.” The Catholic Church "warned that all of the advances made by the Church could be lost" if the State takes over the covenant schools and rallied to oppose any such proposals. [cite web|date=2006-09-28 |publisher=Catholic News Agency|url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7715|title=Inner-city school teachers present plan to eliminate Catholic education in Bolivia Retrieved on February 8, 2007]

Demonstrations led by Bishops

In August 2006, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Oruro, Cristobal Bialasik led thousands of Catholic students and parents through the city's streets demanding that the Morales government leave sectarian Catholic classes in the state schools. They also insisted that the government quash any suggestions toward amending the Bolivian Constitutions official recognition of Roman Catholicism. The Bolivian Constitution (at article three) says, “The State recognizes and sustains the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman religion. It guarantees the public exercise of all other faiths. The relations with the Catholic Church shall be governed by concordats and agreements between the Bolivian State and the Holy See.” Bishop Bialasik stated that peace and unity will only come to Boliviaif we respect our faith, if we respect God… [and learn] to live the values that He teaches us.” [cite news|title=Keep God in schools, Bolivians tell government|url= http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7381|date=2006-08-14|publisher=Catholic News Agency Retrieved on Feb. 8, 2007] Auxiliary Bishop Luis Saenz of Cochabamba called on Catholics to protest knowing thatBolivia is a country of one people devoted to the one true God and his Blessed Mother. Mary, under her different titles, wants all Bolivians to be united. … [Let us pray that] God will illumine the darkness in order to extinguish lies and deceitbecause they want to silence us. Gods message is free. God gives us the strength to guide our people. The Catholic Church shall not be enslaved. She is not a slave to the government because she is not a political party. Fear not, Bolivia, because the Church is born of God.” [cite news|title=Bolivian bishop reaffirms right of parents over their childrens education|date=2006-08-17|publisher=Catholic News Agency|url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=7405 Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2007]

Catholic view on Constitutional reform

On January 18, 2007 Fr. Freddy del Villar, Vicar General of the Coroicu Diocese in Bolivia, said that the Catholic Churchremains vigilantconcerning the Socialist Morales government. He said they are still reserving judgement on the upcoming revision to the Bolivian constitution. He said, “The Church is worried, but at the same time optimistic about the new constitution the Morales government is preparing. Obviously, the party of Evo Morales is socialist: For example, it says it wants to have a non-confessional education, or that religion is not important. But let us see what comes out of the new constitution when it will be finished in August.” He declared that with factions in Bolivia seemingly attempting to disintegrate Bolivia, “The Church helps to maintain unity in the country.” [cite news|title=Church in Bolivia worried, but remaining optimistic about Morales government|publisher= Catholic News Agency|date=2007-01-19|url=http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=8425 Retrieved on Feb. 13, 2007]


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