- Lycus, son of Poseidon
Son of
Poseidon andCelaeno , brother ofEurypylus . The two brothers ruled over theFortunate Islands .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Son of
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Lycus (mythology) — Lycus or Lykos is the name of several people in Greek mythology:* Lycus (son of Ares), a Libyan king in Greek mythology who sacrificed strangers to his father. He was the father of Callirhoê, who was a lover of Diomedes. * Lycus (brother of… … Wikipedia
Lycus (brother of Nycteus) — In Greek Mythology, Lycus was a ruler of the ancient city of Thebes, Greece. His rule was preceded by the regency of Nycteus, and he was succeeded by the twins Amphion and Zethus. GenealogyLycus and his brother Nycteus were the sons of either… … Wikipedia
Poseidon — This article is about the Greek god. For other uses, see Poseidon (disambiguation). Poseidon … Wikipedia
Lycus — Lycos Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le nom de Lycos, Lykos ou Lycus (du grec ancien Λύκος, « loup ») est porté par de nombreux personnages de la mythologie grecque,… … Wikipédia en Français
Лик (мифология) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Лик. Лик (др. греч. Λύκος), буквально «волк» в древнегреческой мифологии: Имя не менее 20 персонажей: Лик. Сын Арета, индийский воин. Лик (брат Никтея) царь Фив, брат Никтея. Сын… … Википедия
Nycteus — In Greek mythology, Nycteus (Greek: Νυκτεύς) was a king of Thebes. His rule began after the death of Polydorus, and ended when he was succeeded by his brother Lycus. Contents 1 Genealogy 2 Regency of Thebes 3 References … Wikipedia
Asopus — or Asôpos (Greek Ασωπός) is the name of five different rivers in Greece and Turkey and also in Greek mythology the name of the gods of those rivers.The rivers#Boeotian Asopus, a river of Boeotia rising on Mt. Cithaeron and flowing through the… … Wikipedia
Trojan War — In Greek mythology, the Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans after Paris of Troy stole Helen from her husband Menelaus, the king of Sparta. The war is among the most important events in Greek mythology, and was narrated… … Wikipedia
Returns from Troy — After the fall of Troy most Achaean heroes did not return to their homes. They had incurred the wrath of the gods due to their sacriligeous behaviour. Many founded colonies far outside the Greek mainland. The Romans later traced ancestry from… … Wikipedia
Ogyges — Ogyges, Ogygus or Ogygos (Greek: Ὠγύγης or Ὤγυγος) is a primeval mythological ruler in ancient Greece, generally of Boeotia,[1] but an alternative tradition makes him the first king of Attica. Contents 1 Etymology 2 … Wikipedia