- Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse
Infobox Single
Name = Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse
Artist =Of Montreal
from Album =Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?
B-side =
Released =January 23 2007
Format =CD single
Recorded =
Genre =Indie pop ,neo-psychedelia
Length = 3:18
Label = Polyvinyl
Writer =Kevin Barnes
Producer =Kevin Barnes
Certification =
Last single = "She's a Rejecter "
This single = "Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse"
Next single =Suffer for Fashion
Misc = "Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse" was the first single released byPolyvinyl Records fromOf Montreal 's 2007 album "Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? ". Like the rest of the album, the song was written, performed and recorded byKevin Barnes ."Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse" was also released as a
music video directed byThe Brothers Chaps .In an early review of the song, posted shortly after the leak of the album in September 2006,
Pitchfork Media 's Andy Dubbin describes it as "one of the more breakneck, 'oldof Montreal '-styled songs on an otherwise discofunk-lite album, bringing proper attention to itself without overextending its theme." [http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/track_review/38831-heimdalsgate-like-a-promethean-curse]Song meaning
In his review for Pitchfork, Dubbin suggests that "'Heimdalsgate' takes up the drugs-as-artistic-inspiration vs. drugs-as-personal-ruin dilemma and plays it out with equally conflicted musical gestures." The interpretation of the song's subject matter as drug-related is not uncommon [http://www.songmeanings.net/lyric.php?lid=3530822107858624046] -- but according to Barnes, neither is it valid. Asked "Are you a stoner?" by "The Strangers Christopher Frizzelle in direct reference to the song's "chemicals", Barnes says, "Yeah, that has nothing to do with drugs. That's the chemicals in your mind." [http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=152252]
Serotonin ?BARNES: Yeah. I went through this chemical depression, and that's when I was writing a lot of the songs for "Hissing Fauna". They're all songs about that experience. And I was experiencing it in the moment that I was writing the songs, and sort of asking myself: What the hell is going on? Why are you all of a sudden totally paranoid and plagued by these anxieties? And why is everything so distorted and confusing and fucked up? My lifestyle hadn't changed that much. And then I realized, well, there's something going on inside of me that I don't have control over, and then you realize how vulnerable you are to these things, these elements that you can't understand, or unless you go on medication and get it under control. It's like you're being betrayed by your body.
FRIZZELLE: Sometimes if you just put on a dress or something your whole mood can change.
BARNES:"' To some degree. I'd gotten to that point where nothing was working. I was borderline suicidal, and my relationship with my girlfriend had totally eroded and she'd gone back to Norway with our daughter and everything was totally fucked, and I was just like, What can I do? "The Past Is a Grotesque Animal" is about that. The lyrics tell the story of what was really going on and the music sort of represents this other emotion that I wish existed. The music was really happy because I wanted to make something that would lift my spirits. [http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=152252]
"Heimdalsgate" is the name of the street inOslo on which Barnes lived; the "-gate"suffix in Norwegian means "street". [http://blog.eardrumsmusic.com/2006/12/post-about-heimdalsgate-and-other.html] "Promethean Curse" alludes to the ancient myth ofPrometheus ; Barnes is thought to be employing the curse as it pertains to "the burdens of consciousness and creativity" inflicted upon mankind when, against the demands ofZeus , Prometheus brought fire to earth. [http://www.surprisinger.com/2007/02/q-best-pop-song-of-2007-so-far.html]External links
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VeIL7juFE0 Music video] , posted by
Polyvinyl Records , January 19, 2007References
* Dubbin, Andy [http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/track_review/38831-heimdalsgate-like-a-promethean-curse Track review: Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse] , "Pitchfork Media", September 26, 2006. Accessed April 2, 2007.
* Frizzelle, Christopher [http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=152252 C'mon Chemicals: Of Montreal's Mind Space] , "The Stranger", February 6, 2007. Accessed April 2, 2007.
* "Knut" [http://blog.eardrumsmusic.com/2006/12/post-about-heimdalsgate-and-other.html A post about Heimdalsgate and the other references to Norway in Of Montreal's recent songs...] , "Eardrums Music", December 31, 2006. Accessed July 6, 2007.
* Simakis, Dean [http://www.surprisinger.com/2007/02/q-best-pop-song-of-2007-so-far.html Q: Best "pop" song of 2007 (so far)?] , "The Answer May Surprise You", February 8, 2007. Accessed July 6, 2007.
* "delial" [http://www.songmeanings.net/lyric.php?lid=3530822107858624046 Lyrics and public bulletin board] , "songmeanings.net", September 9, 2006. Accessed April 2, 2007.
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