Middot — (hebr. מידות „Maße“) bezeichnet: die 13 Formen der Gnade Gottes, benannt in Ex 34.6 7 und Teil der jüdischen Liturgie, siehe Schelosch Esre Middot den 10. Traktat in der Ordnung Qodaschim in Talmud und Mischna, siehe Middot (Mischnatraktat)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
TALMUD, BABYLONIAN — (Heb. תַּלְמוּד בַּבְלִי), a literary work of monumental proportions (5,894 folio pages in the standard printed editions), which draws upon the totality of the spiritual, intellectual, ethical, historical, and legal traditions produced in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MIDDOT — (Heb. מִדּוֹת; measures ), tenth tractate of the order Kodashim (in some codices and early editions it is ninth; in current Talmud editions the 11th and last). It is found in the Mishnah only. This tractate gives, in five chapters, exact details… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Talmud and Midrash — ▪ Judaism Introduction commentative and interpretative writings that hold a place in the Jewish religious tradition second only to the Bible (Old Testament). Definition of terms The Hebrew term Talmud (“study” or “learning”) commonly… … Universalium
Talmud — Rabbinic Literature Talmudic literature Mishnah • Tosefta Jerusalem Talmud • Babylonian Talmud Minor tractates Halakhic Midrash Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael (Exodus) Mekhilta de Rabbi Shimon (Exodus) Sifra (Leviticus) Sifre (Numbers Deuteronomy) … Wikipedia
Megillah (Talmud) — For other uses, see Megillah (disambiguation). Megillah is the tenth Tractate of Mishnah in the Order Moed. It and its Gemara deal with the laws of Purim and offers exegetical understandings to the Book of Esther. It also includes laws concerning … Wikipedia
Nazir (Talmud) — Nazir (Hebrew: נזיר) is a treatise of the Mishnah and the Tosefta and in both Talmuds, devoted chiefly to a discussion of the laws of the Nazirite laid down in Numbers 6:1 21. In the Tosefta its title is Nezirut ( Nazariteship ). In most of the… … Wikipedia
Jerusalem during the Second Temple Period — The Temple Mount … Wikipedia
MATHEMATICS — Bible The Bible does not deal directly with proper mathematical subjects; however there are some parts that do relate indirectly to different mathematical topics. These are widely discussed by the various commentators on the Bible and Talmud: the … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Halakha — Part of a series on … Wikipedia