Shevi'it (Talmud)

Shevi'it (Talmud)

Shevi'it (Hebrew: שביעית, lit. "Seventh Year") is the fifth tractate of "Seder Zeraim" ("Order of Seeds") of the "Mishnah" and of the "Talmud". It deals with all laws of not working your field in the land of Israel during the seventh year. It also discusses the 50th year, known as "Yovel", where all slaves must be set free, and all land must be returned to original owner from the time of Joshua when tribes where given out. This tracate has many applications today in Israel where "Shemettiah" is still being observed. From September 2007- September 2008 is "Shemettiah" year and last one before that was in 2000-2001.

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