- Pagi
Pagi or Paghi is an old village with real Greek countryside in the NW corner of
Corfu Island inGreece The name Pagi or Paghi (plural) is derived probably from the
ancient Greek word Pax (Πάξ)- Pagos (Παγός) (means Rock) or the ancientLatin Pagus (fortified village or fortified hill and the Latin smallest administrative district of aprovince ).Last names
Common last names of the area are:
*Payatakis (probably from Crete 17th century
*Romeo (probably from ancient Italy or Crete 17th century)
*Ruva (probably from ancient Italy or Crete 17th century)
*Sinadinos (probably from Sinada in minor Asia 13th century)Toponymy * La’koi
* L’ampo
* Loxi’
* Karte’ri
* Merovi’gli
* Perivo’li
* Skanio’
* Va’rdies
* Varko’
* Vrisu’les
* Vu’nosNear
*Agios Georgios (Saint George) Beach
*Prinilas village
*Vatonies villageInformation from Prefecture of Corfu
* [http://www.corfuvisit.net/default.asp?id=6&mnu=6&content=179&ACT=5&grp=&LangID=English Main page from the Corfu Prefecture] el icon
Pagi in language
Pagi is also an Indonesian and a Malay word meaning
morning .Similar names
Pag (aCroatian island )
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