- Ranger 2
Ranger 2 was a flight test of the Ranger spacecraft system of the
NASA Ranger program designed for future lunar andinterplanetary mission s. Ranger 2 was designed to test various systems for futureexploration and to conduct scientific observations ofcosmic ray s,magnetic field s,radiation , dust particles, and a possible hydrogen gas "tail" trailing the Earth.Spacecraft design
Ranger 2 was of the Ranger Block 1 design and was almost identical to
Ranger 1 . The spacecraft consisted of ahexagonal base 1.5 m across upon which was mounted a cone-shaped 4 m high tower of aluminum struts and braces. Two solar panel wings measuring 5.2 m from tip to tip extended from the base. A high-gain directionaldish antenna was attached to the bottom of the base. Spacecraft experiments and other equipment were mounted on the base and tower. Instruments aboard the spacecraft included aLyman-alpha telescope , arubidium-vapor magnetometer ,electrostatic analyzers, medium-energy-rangeparticle detector s, twotriple coincidence telescope s, a cosmic-ray integratingionization chamber ,cosmic dust detectors, andscintillation counter s.The
communications system included the high gain antenna and an omni-directional medium gain antenna and two transmitters at approximately 960MHz , one with 0.25 W power output and the other with 3 W power output. Power was to be furnished by 8680solar cells on the two panels, a 53.5 kgsilver-zinc battery , and smaller batteries on some of the experiments. Attitude control was provided by a solid state timing controller,Sun andEarth sensors,gyroscopes , and pitch and roll jets. The temperature was controlled passively by gold plating, white paint, and polishedaluminum surfaces.Mission
The spacecraft was launched into a low Earth
parking orbit , but an inoperative roll gyro prevented Agena restart. The spacecraft could not be put into its planneddeep space trajectory , resulting in Ranger 2 being stranded in low earth orbit upon separation from the Agena stage. The orbit decayed and the spacecraft reentered Earth's atmosphere onNovember 20 ,1961 .External links
* [http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19780007206_1978007206.pdf Lunar impact: A history of Project Ranger (PDF) 1977]
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