George Edmands Merrill

George Edmands Merrill

George Edmands Merrill (1846-1908) was an American Baptist clergyman and educator, born at Charlestown, Mass. After graduating at Harvard University in 1869 and at Newton Theological Institution in 1872, he was pastor of Baptist churches in Massachusetts at Springfield (1872-77), Salem (1877-85), and Newton (1890-99). Two years (1885-87) he spent at Colorado Springs, Colorado. From 1899 until his death he was president of Colgate University. His writings include: "The Story of the Manuscripts" (third edition, 1881); "Crusaders and Captives" (1890); "The Reasonable Christ" (1893); "The Parchments of the Faith" (1895); "The Songs of Solomon," in the "American Commentary on the Old Testament" (1905). Merrill received the degree of D.D. from Colby College in 1895 and that of LL.D. from the University of Rochester in 1901.


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