Petras Kubiliūnas

Petras Kubiliūnas

Petras Kubiliūnas (May 16, 1894 Totoriškiai (now Švedukalnis), near Skapiškis-August 22, 1946 Moscow) was a Lithuanian Lieutenant General. Chief of Lithuanian General staff in 1929-1934.


Kubiliūnas graduated from Riga real gymanasium, and in 1914 Vilnius military school. During World War I he participated in military operations in Riga's Latvian regiment.

In August 1919 Kubiliūnas was mobilized to Lithuanian Armed Forces, and was fighting in Lithuanian Wars of Independence against Soviets until December in a 3rd Infantry Regiment as a commander of a batallion and vice-commander of 4th Infantry Regiment. Since February 1920 he was transferred to 1st Border Guards Regiment, and in 1923 became it's batallion commander. 1924 Kubiliūnas became commander of tanks battalion, later motorized bataliion.

In 1925 he finished Higher Cources for officers, 1927 - Czechoslovakian General Staff Academy, in 1929 courses in Paris. 1927-192 was a member of Lithuanian General Staff, 1929-1934 chief of Lithuanian General Staff and also Chief Commander of Lithuanian Army. Since 1929 Lieutenant General. Under his supervision the Army higher school was founded. he was also active in reforms of millitry educaion reforms and general planning.

For his support to the uncusesfull coup d'etat by supporters of Augustinas Voldemaras was sentenced to death by military tribunal, later the punishment was changed to heavy works until death int he prison. Kubiliūnas was released form the prison in 1937.

Under Soviet occupation he was arrested and mauled, his fingernails were thorn out. He was released from prison after revolt against Soviet troops in June 1941.

When in 1941 - 1944 Lithuania was occupied by Nazi forces, he was a first counsel of the so called "Vertrauensrat" formed by the occupation administration of General District Lithuania in Reichskommissariat Ostland from late August 1941 (formally from March 1942) till July 1944. He did sign several documents on forced mobilization of Lithuanians into Nazi SSforces, actively resisted by Lithuanian anti-Nazi underground.

Kubiliūnas fled to Germany and reached British occupation zone, but in 1945 he was kidnapped by Soviet agents, tried and executed in Moscow.


*lt icon [ Definition of Lithuanian colaborationists]

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