List of poems by J. R. R. Tolkien

List of poems by J. R. R. Tolkien

This is a list of poems written by J. R. R. Tolkien (years are the date of composition, if not stated otherwise)

* "The Battle of the Eastern Field" 1911
* "From the many-willow'd margin of the immemorial Thames" 1913
* "The Voyage of Eärendel the Evening Star" ("The Book of Lost Tales 2" 267–269) 1914
* "The Bidding of the Minstrel" 1914 ("The Book of Lost Tales 2" 261f.,269f. )
* "Tinfang Warble" 1914 ("The Book of Lost Tales 1" 107f.)
* "Goblin Feet" 1915
* "You and Me / and the Cottage of Lost Play" 1915 ("The Book of Lost Tales 1" 27f.)
* "Kôr" 1915, published as "The City of the Gods" in 1923 ("The Book of Lost Tales 1" 136)
* "Kortirion among the Trees" 1915 (revised in 1937 and in the 1960s, "The Trees of Kortirion")
* "Over Old Hills and Far Away" 1915
* "A Song of Aryador" 1915
* "The Shores of Elfland" 1915
* "Habbanan beneath the Stars" 1916
* "The Sorrowful City" 1916
* "The Song of Eriol" 1917 ("The Book of Lost Tales 2" 298ff.)
* "The Horns of Ulmo" 1917
* "The Happy Mariners", published in 1920, composed in 1915
*"The Children of Húrin" (begun in 1920 or earlier, continued to 1925) ("The Lays of Beleriand")
* "The Clerke's Compleinte" 1922
* "Iúmonna Gold Galdre Bewunden" 1923
* "The Eadigan Saelidan" 1923
* "Why the Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon" 1923
* "Enigmala Saxonic - a Nuper Inventa Duo" 1923
* "The Cat and the Fiddle: A Nursery-Rhyme Undone and its Scandalous Secret Unlocked" 1923
* "An Evening in Tavrobel" 1924
* "The Lonely Isle" 1924
* "The Princess Ni" 1924
* "Light as Leaf on Lindentree" 1925
* "The Flight of the Noldoli from Valinor" 1925 ("The Lays of Beleriand")
* "The Lay of Leithian" 1925–1931 ("The Lays of Beleriand")
* "The Lay of Eärendel" 1920s ("The Lays of Beleriand")
* "The Nameless Land" 1926
* "Adventures in Unnatural History and Medieval Metres, being the Freaks of Fisiologus" 1927::* "Fastitocalon":* "Iumbo"
* "Tinfang Warble", published in 1927, composed in 1914
* "Mythopoeia", circa 1931 (published in "Tree and Leaf") [republished in various editions, lately in the 1999 edition of "Tree and Leaf" in the UK only. ]
* "Progress in Bimble Town" 1931
* "Errantry" 1933
* "Firiel" 1934
* "Looney" 1934
* "Songs for the Philologists", with E.V. Gordon "et al.", published 1936::* "Bagme Bloma":* "Éadig Béo þu!":* "Frenchmen Froth":* "From One to Five":* "I Sat upon a Bench":* "Ides Ælfscýne":* "La Húru":* "Lit and Lang":* "Natura Apis: Morali Ricardi Eremite":* "Ofer Wídne Gársecg":* "The Root of the Boot":* "Ruddoc Hana":* "Syx Mynet"
* "The Dragon's Visit" 1937
* "Knocking at the Door: Lines induced by sensations when waiting for an answer at the door of an Exalted Academic Person" 1937
* "The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun", published in Welsh Review, December 1945
* "Imram" ("The Death of St. Brendan") 1946 (published in "Time and Tide", December 1955, "Sauron Defeated" 261ff,296ff)
* Elvish translations of Catholic prayers (ed. Wynne, Smith, Hostetter in Vinyar Tengwar 43, 44, 2002), composed in the 1950s::*"Ataremma versions" (Quenya "Pater Noster") versions I-VI:*"Aia María" (Quenya "Ave Maria") versions I-IV:*"Litany of Loreto" in Quenya:*"Ortírielyanna" (Quenya "Sub tuum praesidium") :*"Alcar i Ataren" (Quenya "Gloria Patri"):*"Alcar mi tarmenel na Erun" (Quenya "Gloria in Excelsis Deo"):*"Ae Adar Nín" (Sindarin "Pater Noster")
* "The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son" 1953
* "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" published in 1962::* "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil":* "Bombadil Goes Boating":* "Errantry":* "Little Princess Mee":* "The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late":* "The Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon":* "The Stone Troll":* "Perry-the-Winkle":* "The Mewlips":* "Oliphaunt":* "Fastitocalon":* "The Cat":* "Shadow-Bride":* "The Hoard":* "The Sea-Bell":* "The Last Ship"
* "Once upon a time" 1965
* "Bilbo's Last Song" 1966 (first published as a poster in 1974)
* "For W. H. A." in 1967 in Shenandoah
* "King Sheave" in "The Lost Road" in 1987 in "The Lost Road and Other Writings"
* "Narqelion" published in 1988 in Mythlore

External links

* [ Poems by J.R.R. Tolkien] at Tolkien Gateway


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