- Eastern (Byzantine) Catholic Martyrology for February
The following are names, dates, and some prominent facts from the lives of Saints especially honored in the Byzantine Catholic Church. (Source: Annual Parish Calendar, [http://www.byzantines.net/byzantinepress| Byzantine Seminary Press] )
=February 01:=*St. Tryphon,
Martyr A.D.250
=February 02:=*Encounter of Our Lord With Simeon and Anna
**One of the oldest Feasts of the Church, established in 4th CenturyJerusalem .
=February 03:=*
Synaxis of Simeon
**As promised by God, he lived to hold the ChildJesus in his arms.
**The "Canticle of Simeon" is one of the most famous hymns in the Eastern Church, used at everyVespers service, every Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts during the Great Fast, as well as on the Feast of the Encounter.
***"Now you may dismiss your servant, O Lord, according to your word, in peace; for my eyes have seen the salvation which you prepared before the face of all people. A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Israel."
*Synaxis of St. Anna, Prophetess
**A widow, she was consecrated and remained in service at the Temple for 54 years.
**At age 84, she, together with Simeon, held the ChildJesus in her arms.
=February 04:=*Venerable Isidore of Pelusium, A.D.
**He founded a monastery in Pelusium, and was held in great esteem as atheologian and guide of souls.
=February 05:=*St. Agatha,
Martyr . Suffered death in prison A.D.250
=February 06:=*Venerable Bukolus, Bishop of Smyrna.
**Was appointed Bishop bySt. John the Evangelist .
=February 07:=*Venerable Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsachia. A.D.
*Venerable Luke of Helladia
=February 08:=*
St. Theodore the Great , GreatMartyr
**He was a general in the army of Emperor Licinius.
**Suffered death at Heracles in Thrace in A.D.318
*St. Zacharius,Prophet . B.C. 520
=February 09:=*St. Nicephorus,
**A SyrianChristian , took the place of Sapricius who apostatised before a heathen judge, and was put to death in A.D.260 February 10 :*St. Charalampias,
Martyr . A.D.203 February 11 :*St. Blase, Bishop-
Martyr . Beheaded A.D.316 February 12 :*St. Meletius,
Archbishop of GreatAntioch
**He was elected to the Patriarchal See in A.D.360 , but within a month was sent into exile by Emperor Constantius.
**Reinstated in A.D.378 , he held a council of 150 Bishops, and took a prominent part in the Council ofConstantinople in A.D.380 .
*St. Marina, Virgin
**In male attire, she lived in a monastery to the year A.D.440 February 13 :*Venerable Martinian, Hegumen-Abbot. A.D.
*SS. Zoe & Photina, Venerable WomenFebruary 14 :*Venerable Auxentius, Hegumen-Abbot.
**He was a soldier and bodyguard of Emperor Theodosius the Younger.
**He defended the Faith at the time of the Council ofChalcedon , A.D.451 .
* Death ofSt. Cyril inRome , A.D.869
**Together with his brother,St. Methodius , is known as the Apostle to theSlavs
**The old Slavic alphabet - "Cyrillic " - is ascribed to him.
***Using Cyrillic, he translated many Church books from Greek into theOld Church Slavonic language .February 15 :*St. Onesimus, Disciple of St. Paul
**He became Bishop ofEphesus followingSt. Timothy , and died aMartyr inRome .
*St. Paphnutius, Hermit inEgypt , & his daughter, Euphrosyne.February 16 :*SS. Pamphilius, Valentine, Paul, Seleucus, Porphyrus, Julian, & Theodulus,
*The FiveMartyr s ofEgypt : Elias, Jeremias, Isaias, Samuel, and Daniel
*Venerable Flavianus, Archbishop ofConstantinople . Died of ill treatment in [A.D.450 February 17 :*
St. Theodore of Tyre , GreatMartyr . Burned to death A.D.306 .
*St. Mariamna, Sister of theApostle Philip February 18 :*
St. Leo the Great ,Pope ofRome . Died in A.D.461
**LikeSt. Cyril of Alexandria , taught the unity of the divinity and person of Christ
**SavedRome from invasion byAttila the Hun .February 19 :*St. Archippus, Disciple of St. Paul
**Was the first Bishop of theColossians .
**Traditionally, it is believed he was stoned to death underEmperor Nero .
*SS. Maxim, Theodot, Isychus, & Asklepiodotus,Martyrs February 20 :*Venerable Leo,
Bishop of Catania , inSicily . Died780 .
**By his many miracles, he became known as "Wonder-worker"
*St. Sadok,Priest -Martyr
**Together with 128 other Christians, he was put to death by King Sapor of Persia in A.D.345 .
*St. Agatho, VenerablePope ofRome . Died in A.D.682 .February 21 :*Venerable Timothy, Hermit.
* St. Eustacius, Archbishop ofAntioch . Died in A.D.337
**He assisted at theFirst Council of Nicaea , defending the Faith against the Arian Heresy in both word and writing.February 22 :*Finding of the Relics of
Martyr s in Eugenia.
*Venerable Peter, Monk, and Athanasius,Martyrs .
**Both died at the hands of theIconoclasts in A.D.735 .February 23 :*
St. Polycarp , Bishop of Smyrna,Martyr . Burned to death in A.D.166 February 24 :*First & Second findings of the Head of John the Forerunner & Baptist
**The first finding was in the home ofKing Herod by two monks, who then brought the head to the city of Emmesia.
**The second finding was much later, in A.D.431 during the reign of Emperor Marcianus.February 25 :*St. Tharasius, Archbishop of
Constantinople . Died in A.D.806
**Opposed theIconoclasts , and denounced the vices of the Byzantine Princes.
**He is also known as a "Father of the Poor".February 26 :*St. Porphyrius, Bishop of
Gaza . Died in A.D.420
**He sold all of his possessions, distributing the proceeds to the poor.
*St. Sebastian , one of the most renowned of the RomanMartyrs .
**He was an officer in theImperial Army and a favorite of EmperorDiocletian .
**Upon becoming aChristian , he was made a target of thearchers in A.D.288 .
*St. Photina of Samaria,Martyr .
**Tradition identifies her as theSamaritan Woman with whomJesus spoke atJacob's Well .February 27 :*Venerable Procopius, Confessor and Monk. Died in about A.D.
740 .
**Famous for his resistance atConstantinople to the decree of Leo III, who ordered the destruction of icons.February 28 :*Venerable Basil, Confessor and co-faster with Venerable Procopius.
**Was also a resistor of the decree of Leo III.February 29 :*Venerable Cassian. A.D.
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