List of ghost towns in Oklahoma
- List of ghost towns in Oklahoma
This is an incomplete list of ghost towns in Oklahoma, United States of America
* Academy
* Acme
* Alhambra
* America
* Alsuma
* Avery
* Avoca
* Bathsheba
* Beck
* Beer City
* Benton
* Bickford
* Boggy Depot
* Braithwaite
* Brinkman
* Button Springs
* Campbell
* Carpenter
* Centralia
* Cheek
* Cherokee Town
* Chism
* Chisholm Spring
* Citra
* Cold Springs
* Cowboy Flats
* Cross
* Dale
* Dawson
* Dillard
* Doaksville
* Douthat
* Eagle City
* Eddy
* Empire
* Fame
* Fennell
* Fisher
* Fleetwood
* Fowlerville
* Frazer
* Garnetville
* Glenwood
* Grand
* Gumbo Pit
* Helsel
* Hext
* Hockerville
* Hope
* Indianapolis
* Independence
* Ingalls
* Ingersoll
* Jester
* Karma
* Keokuk Falls
* Keystone
* Kibby
* Kusa
* Lacey
* Lake Creek
* La Kemp
* Lenna
* Lone Pine
* Lone Star
* Lugar
* Lyman
* Magee
* Marina
* Maxwell
* Meers
* New Spring Place
* Newby
* Nicksville
* Oakdale
* Oak Wall
* Orr
* Paw Paw
* Parkland
* Picher
* Pleasant Valley
* Provine
* Pyramid Corners
* Radium Town
* Redden
* Redland
* Reeding
* Richards Spur
* Roxana
* Roy Rogers
* Sacred Heart
* Sante Fe
* Scipio
* Silver City
* Stecker
* Sumpter
* Three Sands
* Trousdale
* Tuskegee
* Uncas
* Washunga
* Wildman
* Wirt
* Wolf
* Woodford
* Yewed
* Yonkers
* Zincville
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Lists of ghost towns in the United States
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