- Amethyst Deceivers
Amethyst Deceivers is a song by Coil which appears on several of their releases. The name refers to a type of mushroom, "Laccaria amethystea".
1998 "" - Original release of the song.
*2001 "" - A compilation appearance featuring the same version from "Autumn Equinox: Amethyst Deceivers".
*2001 "Live In Moscow " - A live version of the song performed on 2001 September 15.
*2002 "The Golden Hare With A Voice Of Silver " - A compilation appearance featuring the same version from "Autumn Equinox: Amethyst Deceivers".
*2002 "Moons Milk (In Four Phases) "
**Disc 1: A live version of "Amethyst Deceivers" from a performance on 2001 September 15 appears as a hidden bonus track after "A Warning From The Sun (For Fritz)", the same version was later reissued on "Live Two ".
**Disc 2: "Amethyst Deceivers" appears in the same form as its original release on "Autumn Equinox: Amethyst Deceivers".
*2003 "Live Four " - A live version.
*2003 "Live Three " - A live version from a performance on 2002 April 06.
*2003 "Live Two " - A live version from a performance on 2001 September 15.
*2003 "Live One " - "CD B" features a live performance from 2000 June 17.
*2004 "Selvaggina, Go Back Into The Woods " - A live version from a performance on 2004 June 11.
*2005 "The Ape Of Naples " - Features a reworked version of "Amethyst Deceivers" titled "The Last Amethyst Deceiver".
*TBA "Moon's Milk In Six Phases " - Upcoming Coil release, which will include the original version of the song.ee also
Coil Live
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