The Raven (disambiguation) — The Raven is a narrative poem by Edgar Allan Poe.The Raven may also refer to:In literature: * The Raven (Brothers Grimm), a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm * The Raven (Italian fairy tale), a literary fairy tale by Giambattista Basile… … Wikipedia
The Raven — is a narrative poem by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, first published in January 1845. It is noted for its musicality, stylized language, and supernatural atmosphere. It tells of a talking raven s mysterious visit to a distraught lover,… … Wikipedia
The Raven — Gustave Doré illustrierte Der Rabe. John Tenniel illustrierte Der Rabe. Der Rabe (im englischen Original The Raven) ist e … Deutsch Wikipedia
Raven paradox — The Raven paradox, also known as Hempel s paradox or Hempel s ravens is a paradox proposed by the German logician Carl Gustav Hempel in the 1940s to illustrate a problem where inductive logic violates intuition. It reveals the problem of… … Wikipedia
The Claidi Journals — is a fantasy novel quartet written by Tanith Lee. A collection of the first three novels was released in 2003. Contents 1 Law of the Wolf Tower 1.1 Plot 2 Wolf Star Rise 2.1 … Wikipedia
Raven's Progressive Matrices — (often referred to simply as Raven s Matrices) are multiple choice tests of abstract reasoning, originally developed by Dr John C. Raven in 1938.Raven, J.C. (1938). Progressive matrices: A perceptual test of intelligence . London:H.K. Lewis.] In… … Wikipedia
Raven-Taylor-Hales Brethren — The Raven Taylor Hales Brethren are an austere protestant sect, and a branch of the Exclusive Brethren. These Brethren hold an uncompromising separatist doctrine and their practice has steadily evolved differently from other Brethren groups and… … Wikipedia
Raven's Claw Society — The Raven s Claw is an all male senior honorary society at Dickinson College. It was founded in 1896, making it the first society unique to Dickinson College and one of the oldest in the country. Membership is limited to seven senior men who are… … Wikipedia
The Hobbit — ] the narrative voice contributes significantly to the success of the novel, and the story is, therefore, often read aloud. [cite web |url= Hobbit Critical Essays Major 171,pageNum 68.html… … Wikipedia
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket — … Wikipedia