- Church of St. Nicholas (Amsterdam)
The Sint Nicolaaskerk (Church of St. Nicholas) is a Roman Catholic church in the centre of
Amsterdam .Officially the church was called St. Nicholas inside the Walls, i.e. the oldest part of the Amsterdam defence works. The architect,
Bleijs (1842-1912) designed the church basing himself on a combination of several revival styles of whichneo-Baroque andneo-Renaissance are the most prominent models.The facade is crowned by two towers with a rose window in between. The centre of this window is formed by a bas relief depicting Christ and the four Evangelists, made in the
Van den Bossche and Crevels workshop in 1886. A sculpture of the patron saint of both the church and the city of Amsterdam was placed in a niche in the upper section of the gable top. The well-known sculptorBart van Hove (1850-1914) made the sculpture in 1886. The crossing is articulated by a large octagonal tower with a baroque dome and lantern and crowned by a cross.The basis of the groundplan is the scheme of the classic three-aisled cross-basilica, i.e. a nave, two aisles and a single transept. The choir is located in the usual place, at the end of the nave. In the corners formed by the transept and the nave, two chapels are located, traditionally devoted to Mary and Joseph respectively.
Inside the newly renovated church, a 19th century Sauer Organ can be found, on which concerts are given and mass is accompanied..
The church is still a very active parish, which serves the city centre. It boasts 3 choirs, 2 of which sing choral evensongs every Saturday at 5pm.
External links
*nl icon [http://www.nicolaas-parochie.nl/nicolaaskerkamsterdam.html St. Nicolaaskerk Amsterdam] (parish)
* [http://www.muziekindenicolaas.nl/english/ Music Foundation of the St. Nicholas Church] (choral music and organ concerts)
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