- Zinc oxide eugenol
zinc oxide andeugenol (contained inoil of cloves ) forms zinc oxide eugenol which can be used as a filling or cement material used indentistry . It is classified as an intermediate restorative material and hasanaesthetic andantibacterial properties. It is sometimes used in the management ofdental caries as a "temporary filling".It has a
boiling point of 250 degreesCelsius Zinc oxide Eugenol is also used as an impression material during construction of complete
dentures .Used in the mucocompressive technique of impression taking.Zinc oxide Eugenol is also used as an antimicrobial additive in paint.
zinc oxide eugenol cements were introduced in 1980's. compositionPOWDERzinc oxide 69%white rosin 29.3%Zinc stearate 2%(acts as accelerator)Zinc acetate 0.7% (improves strength)
classification- according to ADA specification no. 30typeI temporary cementationtypeII permanent cementationtypeIII temporary filling material and thermal insulationtypeIV cavity liners
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