Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Ozone Monitoring Instrument
OMI The Ozone Monitoring Instrument is on board the NASA Aura. OMI can distinguish between aerosol types, such as smoke, dust, and sulfates, and can measure cloud pressure and coverage, which provide data to derive tropospheric ozone. OMI follows in the heritage of TOMS, SBUV, GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOMOS. It is a nadir-viewing wide-field-imaging spectrometer giving daily global coverage. OMI is continuing the TOMS record for total ozone and other atmospheric parameters related to ozone chemistry and climate.
The OMI project is a cooperation between the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes (NIVR), the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and the National Aeronatautics and Space Agency (NASA).
The OMI project was carried out under the direction of the NIVR and financed by the Ministries of Economic Affairs, Transport and Public Works and the Ministry of Education and Science. The instrument was built by Dutch Space in co-operation with Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Science and Industry and SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research. The Finnish industry supplied the electronics. The scientific part of the OMI project is managed by KNMI (principal investigator Prof. Dr. P.F. Levelt), in close co-operation with NASA and the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
External links
- Satellite meteorology and remote sensing
- United States spacecraft stubs
- Atmospheric science stubs
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