List of Massachusetts mammals

List of Massachusetts mammals

This is a list of Massachusetts mammals. It includes all mammals currently found in Massachusetts, whether resident or as migrants. It does not include species found only in captivity. Mammal species recently presumed extinct (post 1500) are included here. Each species is listed, with its binomial name. Some species are identified as indicated below:

*(A) = Accidental occurrence based on one or a few records, and unlikely to occur regularly.
*(E) = Extinct; a recent member of the avifauna that no longer exists.
*(ex) = Extirpated; no longer occurs in area of interest, but other populations still exist elsewhere.
*(I) = Introduced population established solely as result of direct or indirect human intervention; synonymous with non-native and non-indigenous.


*Virginia Opossum "Didelphis virginiana"


*American Beaver "Castor canadensis"
*Woodland jumping mouse "Napaeozapus insignis"
*Meadow Jumping Mouse "Zapus hudsonius"
*North American Porcupine "Erethizon dorsatum"
*Eastern Gray Squirrel "Sciurus carolinensis"
*Red Squirrel "Tamiasciurus hudsonicus"
*Northern Flying Squirrel "Glaucomys sabrinus"
*Southern Flying Squirrel "Glaucomys volans"
*Woodchuck "Marmota monax"
*Eastern Chipmunk "Tamias striatus"
*Meadow Vole "Microtus pennsylvanicus"
**Beach Vole "Microtus p. breweri" (considered by state Fish and Wildlife officials to be subspecies of Meadow Vole. Other experts consider as separate species-"Microtus breweri")
*Woodland Vole "Microtus pinetorum"
*Muskrat "Ondantra zibethicus"
*Southern Red-backed Vole "Clethrionomys gapperi"
*Southern Bog Lemming "Synaptomys cooperi"
*Deer Mouse "Peromyscus maniculatus"
*White-footed Mouse "Peromyscus leucopus"
*Norway Rat "Rattus norvegicus" (I)
*Black Rat "Rattus rattus" (I-ex)
*House Mouse "Mus musculus"


*Eastern Cottontail "Sylvilagus floridanus" (I)
*New England Cottontail "Sylvilagus transitionalis"
*European Rabbit "Oryctolagus cuniculus" (I)
*Snowshoe Hare "Lepus americanus"
*Black-tailed Jackrabbit "Lepus californicus" (I)


*Human "Homo sapiens"


*Star-nosed Mole "Condylura cristata"
*Hairy-tailed Mole "Parascalops breweri"
*Eastern Mole "Scalopus aquaticus"
*Northern Short-tailed Shrew "Sorex brevicauda"
*Long-tailed Shrew "Sorex dispar"
*Smoky Shrew "Sorex fumeus"
*American Pygmy Shrew "Sorex hoyi" (A)
*Northern Water Shrew "Sorex palustris"
*Masked Shrew "Sorex cinereus"


*Eastern Pipistrelle "Pipistrellus subflavus"
*Big Brown Bat "Episticus fuscus"
*Eastern Red Bat "Lasiurus borealis"
*Hoary Bat "Lasiurus cinereus"
*Eastern small-footed myotis "Myotis leibii"
*Little Brown Bat "Myotis lucifugus"
*Northern long-eared myotis "Myotis septentrionalis"
*Indiana bat "Myotis sodalis" (ex?)
*Silver-haired Bat "Lasionycteris noctivagans"


*Feral Cat "Felis catus" (I)
*Canadian Lynx "Lynx canadensis" (ex)
*Bobcat "Lynx rufus"
*Mountain Lion "Puma concolor" (ex)
*Coyote "Canis latrans"
*Gray Wolf "Canis lupus" (ex)
*Feral Dog "Canis familiaris" (I) (considered by state wildlife officials to be separate species from Gray Wolf. Other experts consider as subspecies to Gray Wolf-"Canis l. familiaris"
*Red Fox "Vulpes vulpes"
*Common Gray Fox "Urocyon cineroargentatus"
*Black Bear "Ursus americanus"
*Common Raccoon "Procyon lotor"
*Northern River Otter "Lontra canadensis"
*Wolverine "Gulo gulo" (ex)
*American Marten "Martes americana" (ex)
*Fisher "Martes pennanti"
*Ermine "Mustela erminea"
*Long-tailed Weasel "Mustela frenata"
*American Mink "Mustela vison"
**Sea Mink "Mustela v. macrodon"(considered here to be subspecies of American Mink. Other experts consider as separate species-"Mustela macrodon") (E)
*Striped Skunk "Mephitis mephitis"
*Walrus "Odobenus rosmarus" (A)
*Bearded Seal "Erignathus barbatus" (A)
*Hooded Seal "Cystophora cristata" (A)
*Harbor Seal "Phoca vitulina"
*Ringed Seal "Phoca hispida] (A)
*Harp Seal "Phoca groenlandica" (A)
*Gray Seal "Halichoerus grypus"

Even-toed ungulates

*Elk "Cervus canadensis" (ex)
*Moose "Alces alces"
*Fallow Deer "Dama dama" (I-ex)
*White-tailed Deer "Odocoileus virginianus"


*Fin Whale "Balaenoptera physalus"
*Blue Whale "Balaenoptera musculus"
*Sei Whale "Balaenoptera borealis"
*Minke Whale "Balaenoptera acutorostrata"
*Humpback Whale "Megaptera novaeangliae"
*Gray Whale "Eschrichtius robustus" (ex)
*North Atlantic Right Whale "Eubalaena glacialis"
*Sperm Whale "Physeter macrocephalus"
*Pygmy Sperm Whale "Kogia breviceps"
*Northern Bottlenose Whale "Hyperoodon ampullatus"
*Sowerby's Beaked Whale "Mesplodon bidens"
*Blainville's Beaked Whale "Mesplodon densirostris"
*Gervais' Beaked Whale "Mesplodon europaeus" (A)
*True's Beaked Whale "Mesplodon mirus"
*Cuvier's Beaked Whale "Ziphius cavirostris"
*Beluga "Delphinapterus leucas" (A)
*Short-beaked Common Dolphin "Delphinus delphis"
*Short-finned Pilot Whale "Globicephala macrorhynchus" (A)
*Long-finned Pilot Whale "Globicephala melas"
*Risso's Dolphin "Grampus griseus"
*Atlantic White-sided Dolphin "Lagenorhynchus acutus"
*White-beaked Dolphin "Lagenorhynchus albirostris"
*Killer Whale "Orcinus orca"
*False Killer Whale "Pseudorca crassidens" (A)
*Pantropical Spotted Dolphin "Stenella attenuata" (A)
*Striped Dolphin "Stenella coeruleoalba"
*Atlantic Spotted Dolphin "Stenella fontalis"
*Bottlenose Dolphin "Tursiops truncatus"
*Harbor Porpoise "Phocoena phocoena"

ee also

*Mammals of New England
*List of Massachusetts birds
*List of mammals
*List of regional mammals lists
*List of mammals in Connecticut
*List of mammals in North America


*Kays, R.W., and Wilson, D.W., "Mammals of North America", Princeton University Press, ISBN 0-691-07012-1
*Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds) Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
* [ Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Mammals of North America]
* [ Mammal List of Massachusetts] Cardoza, J.E., Jones, G.S., and French, T.W.

External links

* [ American Society of Mammalogists]

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