- List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1981
=1981 U.S. and Canadian Fellows=
* Walter Abish, Writer,
New York City
* Claude Abraham, Professor Emeritus French,University of California , Davis
* Alice Adams, Artist,Bronx ,New York
* Eric G. Adelberger, Professor of Physics,University of Washington
* Reginald Edgar Allen, Professor of Philosophy and Classics,Northwestern University
* David Hershel Alpers, William B. Kountz Professor of Medicine,Washington University School of Medicine
* Peter G. Anastos, Choreographer,Cincinnati ,Ohio
* Elliot Aronson, Emeritus Professor of Psychology,University of California, Santa Cruz
*Margaret Atwood , Writer,Toronto
* James L. Axtell, William J. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Humanities,College of William and Mary
* Edward Bakst, Film Maker,New York City
* Rudolf Baranik, Deceased. Fine Arts
* Pranab Kumar Bardhan, Professor of Economics,University of California, Berkeley
*Edward Barnes , Composer,New York City
* Elizabeth Ann Bates, Professor of Psychology & Cognitive Science,University of California ,San Diego
*Larry Thomas Bell , Composer,Boston
* Peter Mayo Bell, Geophysicist, Carnegie Institution of Washington's Geophysical Laboratory,Washington, DC
* Warren Frank Benson, Composer; Emeritus Professor of Composition,Eastman School of Music
* Darwin K. Berg, Professor of Biology,University of California ,San Diego
* Albert Jeffrey Berger, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics,University of Washington , School of Medicine
* Marshall Howard Berman, Writer; Professor of Political Science, City College and Graduate Center,City University of New York
* Thomas Paul Bernstein, Associate Professor of Political Science,Columbia University
* Gina Berriault, Writer; Assistant Professor of Creative Writing,San Francisco State University
* Michael James Berry, Robert A. Welch Professor of Chemistry,Rice University
* Jake Berthot, Artist,New York City
* John Simeon Block, Film Maker, Upper Montclair,New Jersey
* Skip Blumberg, Video Artist,New York City .
* Jean V. Bony, Deceased. Architecture
* Weston Thatcher Borden, Professor of Chemistry,University of Washington
*Anthony Braxton , Composer, Middleton,Connecticut
* Ann Lesley Brown, Professor of Educational Psychology,University of California, Berkeley
* Paul Louis Brown, Artist,Brooklyn ,New York
* Anne Pippin Burnett, Emeritus Professor of Classics,University of Chicago
* Gerald Busby, Composer,New York City
* Daryle H. Busch, Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor of Chemistry,University of Kansas , Lawrence
* Frederick Busch, Writer; Edgar W. B. Fairchild Professor of Literature,Colgate University
* Walter Cahn, Carnegie Professor of the History of Art,Yale University
* Calum MacNeill Carmichael, Professor of Comparative Literature and Biblical Studies,Cornell University
* Karen A. Carson, Artist,Santa Monica ,California
* David Chandler, Professor of Chemistry,University of California at Berkeley
* Fredric Lawrence Cheyette, Professor of History,Amherst College
*Tom Clancy , Artist, New York City]
* Michael Tran Clegg, Professor of Genetics,University of California , Riverside, CA
* Arthur Morris Cohen, Artist,New York City
* Bernard Cecil Cohen, Vice-Chancellor Emeritus and Quincy Wright Professor Emeritus of Political Science,University of Wisconsin-Madison
* Joel E. Cohen, Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of Populations,Rockefeller University
* Thomas James Colchie, Translator,New York City
* George Ramsay Cook, Professor of History,York University
* Peter M. Daly, Chairman, Professor of German,McGill University
*Julie Dash , Film Maker,Atlanta , Georgia
* Alvin E. Davis, III, Professor of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital,Cincinnati OH
* William Theodore de Bary, John Mitchell Mason Professor and Provost Emeritus,Columbia University
* Gérard Defaux, Professor of French,The Johns Hopkins University
*Mary Madeline DeFrees , Poet,Seattle ,Washington
* Andrew David deGroat,Choreographer
* Eric Delson, Professor of Anthropology, Herbert Lehman College and Graduate Center,City University of New York
* Stuart Ross Dempster, Composer; Emeritus Professor of Music,University of Washington
* Martha Ann Derthick, Julia Allen Cooper Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs,University of Virginia at Charlottesville
* William G. Dever, Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology,University of Arizona
* Charles Donahue, Jr., Professor of Law,Harvard Law School
* Donald Frank DuBois, Group Leader, Statistical Physics and Materials Theory Group,University of California ,Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
* Jay Dusard, Photographer and Writer, Prescott,Arizona
*Stuart Dybek , Writer; Distinguished Professor of English,Western Michigan University
* Harrison Echols, Deceased. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
* Harold M. Edwards, Professor of Mathematics,New York University
* Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, Alice Freeman Palmer Professor Emeritus of History,University of Michigan
* Robert Francis Engs, Professor of History,University of Pennsylvania
* Jay Franklin Fellows, Deceased. 19th Century English Literature
* John Arthur Ferejohn, William Bennett Munro Professor of Political Science,Stanford University
* Franklin M. Fisher, Professor of Economics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Robert Fizdale, Deceased. Biography
* Kent V. Flannery, James B. Griffin Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology and Curator, Museum of Anthropology,University of Michigan
* Suzanne Fleischman, Professor of French and Romance Philology,University of California, Berkeley
* Bengt Fornberg, Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado
* Murray J. Fraser, Retired Professor of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital,Sidney, Australia
* Michael Frede, Philosopher
* Eliot L. Freidson, Professor of Sociology,New York University
* William Gaddis, Deceased. Fiction
* Bruce Ganem, Franz and Elisabeth Roessler Professor of Chemistry,Cornell University
* Robert Erwin Garis, Writer; Katherine Lee Bates Professor Emeritus of English,Wellesley College
* Christopher J. Garrett, Professor ofOceanography , University ofVictoria, Canada
* Ernest Gellhorn, Professor of Law and Dean, School of Law,Case Western Reserve University
* William A. Gibbons, Head, Professor of Chemistry,University of London
*John Glad , Associate Professor of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures,University of Maryland at College Park
* Joanna McClelland Glass, Playwright, Novelist, Screenwriter,Toronto
* Arthur Gold, Deceased. Biography
* Joseph Goldstein, Stanley Ruttenberg Professor of Law,Yale Law School
* David Gordon, Director, Pick Up Company,New York City
* Harold Grad, Deceased. Applied Mathematics
* William Albert Graham, Jr., Professor of the History of Religion and Islamic Studies,Harvard University
* Mark Granovetter, Joan Butler Ford Professor of Sociology,Stanford University
* Robert Molten Gray, Professor of Electrical Engineering, ] Stanford University [
* Robert L. Griess, Professor of Mathematics,University of Michigan
* Sanford Jay Grossman, Steinberg Trustee Professor of Finance,The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
* Branko Grünbaum, Professor of Mathematics,University of Washington
* James Edwin Guillet, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry,University of Toronto
* C. David Gutsche, Robert A. Welch Professor of Chemistry,Texas Christian University
* Allen Guttmann, Professor of English and American Studies, [Amherst College
* David Drisko Hall, Professor of American Religious History and Bartlett Lecturer on New England Church History,Harvard University
* Dolores Hayden, Professor of Architecture, Urbanism and American Studies,Yale University
* Max Knobler Hecht, Professor of Biology, Queens College and Graduate Center
* Donald R. Helinski, Research Professor of Biology,University of California ,San Diego
* T. Walter Herbert, Herman Brown Professor of English,Southwestern University
* Alfred John Hiltebeitel, Professor of Religion,George Washington University
* Derek Michael Hirst, William Eliot Smith Professor of History,Washington University
*Melvin Hochster , R.L. Wilder Professor of Mathematics,University of Michigan
* Cecelia Holland, Writer, Fortuna,California
* Denis Hollier, Professor of French,Yale University
* Ole R. Holsti, Emeritus Professor of International Affairs,Duke University
* Lawrence Hubert, Lyle H. Lanier Professor of Psychology,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
* Allan B. Jacobs, Professor of City and Regional Planning,University of California, Berkeley
* John D. Joannopoulos, Associate Professor of Physics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Christopher H. Johnson, Professor of History,Wayne State University
* Elizabeth W. Jones, Professor of Biological Sciences,Carnegie-Mellon University
* Kenneth D. Jordan, Professor of Chemistry,University of Pittsburgh
* Harold H. Kelley, Professor Emeritus of Psychology,University of California, Los Angeles
* Martyn Carden Kellman, Emeritus Professor of Geography,York University
* Daniel J. Kevles, J.O. and Juliette Koepfli Professor of the Humanities,California Institute of Technology
* Vera Klement, Artist; Emeritus Professor of Art,University of Chicago
* Arthur Louis Koch, Professor, Department of Microbiology,Indiana University
* Melvin Joel Konner, Professor of Anthropology and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry,Emory University
* Josef Krames, Film Maker; Communications Coordinator, The Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation
* William Bernard Kristan, Jr., Professor of Biology,University of California, San Diego
* Paul Kwilecki, Photographer, Bainbridge, Georgia
* Tsit-Yuen Lam, Professor of Mathematics,University of California, Berkeley
* Benjamin Lax, Director Emeritus, Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, M.I.T., Professor Emeritus of Physics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Henry Marshall Leicester, Jr., Professor of English Literature,University of California, Santa Cruz
* Hope Jensen Leichter, Elbenwood Professor of Education, Teachers College,Columbia University
* John Anthony Lennon, Composer; Professor of Music,University of Tennessee
* William Carl Lineberger, E. U. Condon Distinguished Professor of Chemistry,University of Colorado, Boulder
*Richard J. Lipton , Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Princeton University
* Peter J. Loewenberg, Professor of History,University of California, Los Angeles
* Mason Ira Lowance, Jr., Professor of English,University of Massachusetts at Amherst
* Tom C. Lubensky, Mary Amanda Wood Professor of Physics,University of Pennsylvania
* Robert E. Lucas, Jr., John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, ] University of Chicago]
*Pedro Lujan , Artist, New York City
* William A. Lundberg, Artist; Professor of Art,University of Texas at Austin
* Paul Michael Lützeler, Rosa May Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities,Washington University , St. Louis, MO
* Bernd Magnus, Professor of Philosophy; Director, Center for Ideas and Society,University of California, Riverside
* William Maguire, Photographer; Professor of Visual Arts, Florida International University
* Alfred K. Mann, Bernard & Ida Grossman Professor of Physics,University of Pennsylvania
* Zohar Manna, Professor of Computer Science,Stanford University
* Peter J. Manning, Professor of English,State University of New York at Stony Brook
* Francisco Márquez-Villanueva, Alice Kingsley Porter Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures,Harvard University
* Marianne W. Martin, Deceased. Fine Arts Research
* William Martin McClain, Professor of Chemistry,Wayne State University
* Paul A. McDonough, Photographer; Adjunct Associate Professor, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY: 1981.
* Brooks McNamara, Professor of Performance Studies, New York University: 1981.
* Michael R. McVaugh, Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1981.
* Devon W. Meek, Deceased. Chemistry: 1981.
* Jeffrey Mehlman, Associate Professor of French, Boston University: 1981.
* Thomas R. Metcalf, Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley: 1981.
* Michael Mewshaw, Writer, Charlottesville, Virginia: 1981.
* John Meyendorff, Deceased. Religion: 1981.
* W. J. T. Mitchell, Professor of English, University of Chicago: 1981.
* Luke W. Mo, Professor of Physics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: 1981.
* Mauricio Montal, Professor of Biology, Adjunct Professor Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego: 1981.
* Roy P. Mottahedeh, Gurney Professor of History and Director, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University: 1981.
* Lavonne Mueller, Playwright, New York City: 1981.
* Carol Muske, Poet; Professor of English and Creative Writing, University of Southern California: 1981.
* Joel Arthur Myerson, Carolina Distinguished Professor of American Literature, University of South Carolina: 1981.
* Tetsuo Najita, Robert S. Ingersoll Distinguished Service Professor in History and Japanese Studies, University of Chicago: 1981.
* Kenneth Henry Nealson, Senior Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California: 1981.
* Colbert Ivor Nepaulsingh, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, SUNY-Albany: 1981.
* Charles Eric Neu, Professor of History, Brown University: 1981.
*Laura Mené Newman , Artist; Instructor, Cooper Union, New York: 1981.
* James Carson Nohrnberg, Professor of English, University of Virginia: 1981.
* Tim O'Brien, Writer, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1981.
* Sharon Olds, Director, Creative Writing Program, New York University: 1981.
* Albert Padwa, William Patterson Timmie Professor of Chemistry, Emory University: 1981.
* Robert Treat Paine, Emeritus Professor of Zoology, University of Washington: 1981.
* Nell Irvin Painter, Professor of History; Acting Director, Afro-American Studies Program, Princeton University: 1981.
* Thomas Lee Pangle, Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto: 1981.
* Loren Wayne Partridge, Professor of the History of Art, University of California, Berkeley: 1981.
* John F. Peck, Poet, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1981.
* Marjorie G. Perloff, Sadie Dernham Patek Professor Emeritus of Humanities, Stanford University: 1981.
* Lewis Curtis Perry, John Francis Bannon Professor of History and American Studies, St. Louis University: 1981.
* William Samuel Peterson, Professor of English, University of Maryland at College Park: 1981.
*Tobias Picker , Composer,New York City
* Charles R. Plott, Edward S. Harkness Professor of Economics and Political Science, California Institute of Technology: 1981.
*Joel Porte , Ernest I. White Professor of American Studies and Humane Letters, Cornell University: 1981.
* Joanna Pousette-Dart, Painter, New York City: 1981.
* Curtis Alexander Price, Principal, The Royal Academy of Music, London: 1981.
* Maureen Quilligan, May Department Stores Company Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania: 1981.
* Alexander Rabinowitch, Professor of History and Dean of International Programs, Indiana University: 1981.
* Vladimir Rif, Film Maker, New York City: 1981.
* Lawrence Rosen, Chair, Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University: 1981.
* Alexander Rosenberg, Former Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside: 1981.
* Margaret W. Rossiter, Marie Underhill Noll Professor of the History of Science, Cornell University: 1981.
* Meridel Rubenstein, Photographer; Instructor, Santa Fe Community College: 1981.
*Sara Rudner , Choreographer, New York City; Director, Dance Program, Sarah Lawrence College: 1981
* Richard Ruland, Professor of English, Washington University: 1981.
* Michael Ryan, Poet, Professor of English, University of California, Irvine: 1981.
* Harvey Sachs, Writer, Arezzo, Italy: 1981.
* Wendy Lang Salinger, Poet, Wainscott, New York: 1981.
* Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz, Kenan Professor Emeritus of History, New York University: 1981.
* Michael Schaller, Professor of History, University of Arizona: 1981.
* James Schevill, Writer; Retired Professor of English, Brown University: 1981.
* Thomas J. Schopf, Deceased. Biology: 1981.
* James Marcus Schuyler, Deceased. Poetry: 1981.
* Paul A. Schweitzer, Professor of Mathematics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro: 1981.
* Arden Scott, Artist, Greenport, New York: 1981.
* Nicholas Z. Scoville, Professor of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology: 1981. .
* Andrew Tennant Scull, Professor of Sociology and Science Studies, University of California, San Diego: 1981.
*Meryle Secrest , Writer, Rockville, Maryland: 1981.
* Charles P. Segal, Walter C. Klein Professor of the Classics, Harvard University: 1981.
* Julius L. Shaneson, Professor of Mathematics, and Francis J. Carey Chair, University of Pennsylvania: 1981.
*Ntozake Shange , Writer, Philadelphia: 1981.
* Peter L. Shillingsburg, Professor of English, University of North Texas: 1981.
* Raymond Siever, Emeritus Professor of Geology, Harvard University: 1981.
* Burton Herbert Singer, Professor of Demography and Public Affairs, Princeton University: 1981.
* Meredith Anne Skura, Professor of English, Rice University: 1981.
* Thomas O. Sloane, Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley: 1981.
* Dave Smith, Boyd Professor of English, Louisiana State University, and Coeditor, The Southern Review, Baton Rouge: 1981.
* Roger M. Spanswick, Professor of Plant Physiology, Cornell University: 1981.
* Roswell Howard Spears, Film Maker; Director, James Agee Film Project, State College, Pennsylvania: 1981.
* John E. R. Staddon, James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Professor of Zoology, Duke University: 1981.
* Paul Elliot Starr, Professor of Sociology, Princeton University; Co-Editor, The American Prospect: 1981.
* W. Clark Still, Jr., Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University: 1981.
* Tison C. Street, Composer, Boston, Massachusetts: 1981.
* Barry G. Stroud, Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley: 1981.
* John Floyd Sturgeon, Video Artist, Troy, New York: 1981.
* Jon Swan, Writer, Canaan, Connecticut; Associate Editor, School of Journalism, Columbia University: 1981.
* Larry Michael Sweet, Engineer, Burlington, Connecticut: 1981
* Stanley J. Tambiah, Professor of Anthropology and Curator of Southeast Asian Ethnology in the Peabody Museum, Harvard University: 1981.
* Saul Arno Teukolsky, Hans A. Bethe Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Cornell University: 1981.
* Leonard M. Thompson, Charles T. Stillé Professor Emeritus of History, Yale University; Director, Southern African Research Program, Yale: 1981.
* Leslie L. Threatte, Jr., Professor of Classics, University of California, Berkeley: 1981.
* Janet Margaret Todd, Fellow, Sussex College, Cambridge, England: 1981.
* Marianna Torgovnick, Associate Chair of English Department; Professor of English, Duke University: 1981.
* Robert Edward Tracy, Emeritus Professor of English and Celtic Studies, University of California, Berkeley: 1981.
* Billie Lee Turner, II, Milton P. and Alice C. Higgins Professor of Environment and Society, Clark University: 1981.
* Frederick Turner, Writer; Founders Professor, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson: 1981.
* Donald Robert Uhlmann, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson: 1981.
* Eugene Charles Ulrich, Professor of Hebrew Scriptures, University of Notre Dame: 1981.
* John Von Hartz, Writer, New York City: 1981.
* David B. Wake, Professor of Integrative Biology, Curator of Herpetology, and Director, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley: 1981.
* John G. Walker, Artist, Brookline, Massachusetts: 1981.
* Gerald C. Weales, Professor Emeritus of English, University of Pennsylvania: 1981.
* Michael Weil, Film Maker, San Francisco: 1981.
* Otto Karl Werckmeister, Mary Jane Crowe Distinguished Professor of Art History, Northwestern University: 1981.
* Roger J. B. Wets, Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Davis: 1981.
* David Anthony Wevill, Poet; Associate Professor of English, University of Texas at Austin: 1981.
* Robert Huddleston Wiebe, Emeritus Professor of History, Northwestern University: 1981.
* Henry G. Wilhelm, Writer, Grinnell, Iowa; Director of Research, Preservation Publishing Company: 1981.
* Mira Wilkins, Professor of Economics, Florida International University: 1981.
* Samm-Art Williams, Playwright: 1981.
* Joan Hoff Wilson, Professor of History and Director, Contemporary History Institute, Ohio University: 1981.
* James Irving Wimsatt, Louann and Larry Temple Centennial Professor Emeritus of English, University of Texas at Austin: 1981.
* Saul Winegrad, Professor of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine: 1981.
* David Weaver Wing, Photographer; Coordinator of the Photography Program, Grossmont College: 1981.
* Isaac Witkin, Sculptor, Pemberton, New Jersey: 1981.
* Lee Alan Witters, Eugene W. Leonard Professor of Medicine & Biochemistry; Chief, Endrocine/Metabolism Division, Dartmouth Medical School: 1981.
* Robert Wohl, Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles: 1981.
* John Womack, Jr., Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin American History and Economics, Harvard University: 1981.
* Robert Wayne Woody, Professor of Biochemistry, Colorado State University: 1981.
* Donald E. Worster, Hall Distinguished Professor of American History, University of Kansas: 1981.
* Richard S. Wortman, Professor of History, Columbia University: 1981.
* George T. Wright, Regents Professor Emeritus of English, University of Minnesota: 1981.
* Carl Isaac Wunsch, Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physical Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 1981.
* Maurice Zeitlin, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles: 1981.
* Ramon Zupko, Composer; Emeritus Professor of Music Composition, Western Michigan University: 1981.
* Menachem Zur, Composer; Bronx, New York: 1981.1981 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows
* Hugo Aréchiga, Chief, Postgraduate and Research Studies, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Mexico City: 1981.
*Reinaldo Arenas , Deceased. Fiction: 1981.
* Lourdes Arizpe, Research Professor of Social Anthropology, College of Mexico, Mexico City: 1981.
* Paulo Bruscky, Artist, Recife, Brazil: 1981.
* Carlos F. Bunge, Senior Research Physicist, Institute of Physics, and Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Biomedical Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City: 1981.
* German Cáceres, Composer; President, El Salvador Council for Music: 1981.
* Adolfo Canitrot, Senior Research Economist, Center for Studies of the State and Society, Buenos Aires: 1981.
* Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino, Professor of Linguistics and Director, Center for Applied Linguistics, National University of San Marcos, Lima: 1981.
*Miguel Cervantes , Artist, Mexico City: 1981.
* Teresa del Conde, Director, Museum of Fine Arts, Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City: 1981.
* Luis Frangella, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1981
*Griselda Gambaro , Writer, Buenos Aires: 1981.
*Néstor García Canclini , Research Professor of Social Anthropology, National School of Anthropology and History, Mexico City; Director, Center for Documentation and Research, National Institute of Fine Arts, Mexico City: 1981.
* Belita Koiller, Professor of Physics, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro: 1981.
*Daniel Leyva , Poet; Assistant Director of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Mexico, D.F.: 1981.
* Sergio Miceli Pessôa de Barros, Fuel Professor of Sociology, University of São Paulo: 1981.
*Lygia Carvalho Pape , Artist; Adjunct Professor, Center for Architecture and Art, Santa Ursula University, Rio de Janeiro: 1981.
* M. Blanca París Oddone, Historian, Montevideo: 1981.
* Arnaldo F. Rocha, Professor of Chemistry, University of Amazonas; Research Chemist, National Research Institute of the Amazon, Manaus: 1981.
* José Luis Saborío, Professor of Cell Biology, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City: 1981.
* Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna, Poet; Professor of Literature, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro: 1981.
* Juan Pablo Terra, Deceased. Political Science: 1981.
* Patricio von Hildebrand, Director, Amazon Research Program, Bogotá: 1981.External links
* [http://www.gf.org/index.html Guggenheim Foundation home page]
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