Field Station La Gamba

Field Station La Gamba

The Field Station La Gamba in theRainforest of the Austriansin Costa Rica is an Austrian research, teaching and further education institution, whose target is to contribute to the investigation of tropical rainforests, arouse interests for the conservation and investigation of the rainforest and give amateurs and people interested in nature the possibility to deepen their appreciation of nature in the rainforest.

The Field Station La Gamba is situated in the south of Costa Rica on the edge of the National Park Piedras Blancas also calledRainforest of the Austrians“. This tropical forest which is extremely full of species encircles an area of 142 km² and could be kept from being cut down by an initiative of the association "Rainforest of the Austrians" (ger. Regenwald der Österreicher). The old farmhouse which was bought in 1993 was reorganized by two Austrian biologists with the support of theAssociation Rainforest of the Austriansand the University of Vienna. So they created an international established research station, the Field Station La Gamba. Today the station comprises several buildings, efficient scientific equipment and a botanical garden.

The Field Station is an important instrument for the conservation of the Esquinas Forest, one of the last still conserved rainforests in lowlands at the Pacific coast in Central America. It is an excellent base for students, scientists and interested people, to look into their problems and questions. It offers the possibility to deepen their appreciation of nature in the rainforest.As an integrative element of the community of La Gamba the station also is an important address to turn to for the native population and among other things it intents to spread the idea of the protection of nature

Through this only Austrian station in the tropics it is possible for students, researchers and interested people from Austria and other countries to carry out research projects, field trips or to organize courses for adults (for example for teachers). Furthermore there is the possibility for amateurs interested in nature to take part in organized study trips realized in the sense of a solid Ecotourism.

For 6 years now the staff of the Field Station also has been taken on aid to developing countries projects in the region. So for example the former woodcutters were trained as rangers in a national park and conservationists.

Until the year 2002 the station was preserved predominantly by theAssociation Rainforest of the Austrians" and run in conjunction with the university of Vienna. Meanwhile the very well-known biological research station isnt a small project anymore and theAssociation Rainforest of the Austrianswants to dedicate itself to its main taskransom forest- therefore an own association with the nameAssociation for the sponsoring of the Field Station La Gambawas founded. The aim of the association is the idealistic and financial support of the station.

Since 2007, it is possible to render the Austrian Social Service at the Field Station La Gamba. This service is organized by the organisation Austrian Service Abroad (ger. Österreichischer Auslandsdienst), lasts 12 month and replaces the Austrian Civil Service. The main tasks that Austrian Social Workers have to cope with are: supporting local education programs (language courses, computer courses, protection of the environment), supporting the marketing of local products and cultivating the medicine garden.


* Anton Weissenhofer; Werner Huber; Anton Weber; Georg Zimmermann; Nelson Zamora: "An introductory Field Guide to the flowering plants of the Corcovado and Piedras Blancas National Park (Regenwald der Österreicher)." , Landesmuseum Linz, Biologiezentrum, Johann-Wilhelm Kleinstraße, 2001.
* Werner Huber; Anton Weissenhofer; Martina Fahrnberger; Anton Weber; Christoph Kastinger; Georg Krieger; Veronika Mayer; Renate Fischer: "Katalog zur Ausstellung "Helikonien und Kolibris" Der "Regenwald der Österreicher"in Costa Rica", Verein zur Förderung der Tropenstation La Gamba, Costa Rica, Rennweg 14, 1030 Wien, Austria, 2002.
* Werner Huber; Anton Weissenhofer: "The Amphibians & Reptiles of the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica", Faculty Center of Botany, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vienna, 2005.

External links

* [ Tropical Field Station La Gamba]
* [ Rainforest of the Austrians]

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