

Battus can refer to:

*In Greek mythology, Battus is a shepherd from Pylos, Battus witnessed Hermes stealing Apollo's cattle. Though he promised his silence, he told many others. Hermes turned him to stone.
*In early Greek history, Battus was the founder of Cyrene, and several kings of Cyrene, of the same name, were descended from him.
*"Battus" is a genus of swallowtail butterflies, family Papilionidae, subfamily Papilioninae.
*Battus is also a pseudonym of Dutch author Hugo Brandt Corstius
*Battus was a certain order of penitents at Avignon, and in Provence, whose piety carried them to exercise severe discipline upon themselves, both in public and private.

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  • Battus — ? Battus Battus philenor Н …   Википедия

  • Battus — steht für Battus (Ovid), die Titelfigur einer Kurzsage von Ovid den Familiennamen von Abraham Battus (1606–1674), evangelischer Theologe, Generalsuperintendent von Schwedisch Pommern Bartholomäus Battus (1571–1637), evangelischer Theologe.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • BATTUS I — BATTUS I. Lacedaemone oriundus, Cyreves in Africa conditor, annô 2. 32. Olymp. Euseb. Chron. quem Callunachus ait progenitorem suum fuisse. Strabo. l. 17. Battiades Ovidio in Ibin, v. 53. hinc dictus. Iuxta Cretam insula est, nomine Thera, unde… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Battus — Cet article possède un paronyme, voir : Battos. Battus est un genre de papillon de la tribu des Troidini. Ce document provient de « Battus ». Catégorie : Lépidoptère …   Wikipédia en Français

  • BATTUS II — BATTUS II. prioris ex AArcesilao filio nepos, patri successit. Sub co colonia magnum cepit incrementum, unde is Εὐδαίμων, Felix cognominatus est. Herodor. d. l. Sub Rege tertio, qui Battus Felix nominatus est, Pythiae oraculô suô Graecos cunctos… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • BATTUS — I. BATTUS ineptus Poeta, qui in carmine conficiendo eadem saepius repetebat; unde Βαττολογία, inepta verborum redundantia, seu eiusdem rei vitiosa repetitio. Suidas, Βαττολογία, ἡ πολυλογία, ἀπὸ Βάττου τινὸς μακροὺς, καὶ πολυςτίχους ὕμνους… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Battus I of Cyrene — or Battus I (Battus in Greek: Βάττος Ἀριστοτέλης), lived in the 7th century BC. He came from the island of Thera (modern Santorini),and later founded the colony of Cyrenaica and its capital, Cyrene. He was the first king of Cyrenaica and also the …   Wikipedia

  • Battus madyes — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta …   Wikipedia

  • Battus III of Cyrene — or Battus III, surnamed The Lame (Greek:Βάττος ο Χωλός, flourished 6th century BC) was the fifth Greek Cyrenaean king and a member of The Battiads Dynasty. Battus was the son and only child of Cyrenaean King Arcesilaus II and Cyrenaean Queen… …   Wikipedia

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