List of Kings of Cyrene

List of Kings of Cyrene

Cyrene or Cyrenaica was a Greek colony on the North African coast, in what is now northeastern Libya, founded by settlers from Thera (modern Santorini) in the 7th century BC.

Kings of Cyrene, 632 BC - 440 BC

*Battus I 630 BC - 600 BC
*Arcesilaus I 600 BC - 583 BC
*Battus II 583 BC - 560 BC
*Arcesilaus II 560 BC - 550 BC
*Battus III 550 BC - 530 BC
*Arcesilaus III 530 BC - 515 BC
*Battus IV 515 BC - 465 BC
*Arcesilaus IV 465 BC - 440 BC

In 440 BC, Cyrene became a Republic, under Persian suzerainty (as had been the latter kings from Arcesilaus III). Cyrene was conquered by Alexander the Great in 331 BC and fell to the portion of Ptolemy I in the division of Alexander's Empire. In 276 BC it reasserted its independence.

Kings of Cyrene, 276-249 BC

*Magas 276 BC - 250 BC
*Demetrius the Fair 250 BC - 249 BC

In 249 BC Cyrene again became a republic, but was restored to Ptolemaic control in 246 BC. From 163 BC, Cyrene occasionally had its own rulers from the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Kings of Cyrene, 163 BC - 30 BC

*Ptolemy VIII Physcon 163 BC - 116 BC
*Ptolemy Apion 116 BC - 96 BC
*"Roman Republic" 96 BC - 75 BC

In 75 BC, the city became part of a Roman province, but it was restored to the Ptolemies by Mark Antony in 37 BC. In 34 BC Cleopatra VII and Antony's daughter, Cleopatra Selene II, was made Queen of Cyrene, but the city returned to Rome following Augustus' conquest of Egypt in 30 BC.

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