- Khartoum American School
Khartoum American School, founded in 1957, is an International school in
Khartoum ,Sudan . The school features an American/international curriculum that strives to be both student-centered and inquiry-based. KAS is accredited through the Middle States Association (MSA) of Schools and Colleges. The school is also a Full Member of theCouncil of International Schools (CIS) and, following an extensive Self-Study process during the 2007-08 academic year, will seek joint accreditation with CIS and MSA.While originally founded to offer education to the children of US diplomats in Khartoum, KAS has broadened its mission to include students from other embassies as well as from the growing international community within Khartoum. There are currently 240 students from 44 different countries studying at KAS. The Early Childhood division of the school offers schooling to children as young as 2 years old, through pre-school. The Elementary School encompasses Kindergarten through grade 4. Middle School (grades 5-8) serves young adolescents and the High School division offers a college-preparatory education to students in grades 9-12.
Class sizes range from 12-22 students.
The school is an independent school which is governed by a School Board comprised of parents of current KAS students who are elected by the General Meeting of the KAS Association. The Board has 8 elected parent members and one member appointed by the US Ambassador. The Board delegates the day-to-day operation of the school to the Superintendent.
The current Superintendent is Mr. Philip Clinton, an experienced educator who has been a teacher, counselor and school administrator in leading independent schools in the USA and in Egypt, Russia, and Japan prior to beginning his tenure at KAS in 2005. The Superintendent oversees a highly competent faculty of 35. Faculty are recruited through international searches and many of them have significant experience in international settings.
Over the past two years, the school has seen major renovation of its facilities. A new "Nursery Cottage" was constructed in the summer of 2007. The Pre-School classrooms and play areas underwent extensive renovation at the same time. The library which houses over 8,000 volumes was completely renovated in 2006 and a major initiative is underway to enhance its collection to support the school's growing Advanced Placement (AP) program at the high school level. The IT infrastructure and the computer lab has been the focus of renovation in the 2007-08 school year. A fully climate-controlled environment now protects the Computer Lab and its equipment, providing an excellent atmosphere for on-going work in IT courses.
Current Faculty and Staff
Philip Clinton - Superintendent
Anna Garcia - Business Manager
Marlo Garcia - Administrative Assistant
Jhun Quizon - Accountant
Becky Brockman - School NurseHigh School
Christine Ramsis - Social Studies
Maie Fadl - Science
Calley Connelly - Math
Renee Comesotti - Language Arts
Brad Waugh - ScienceMiddle School
Jeff Brown - Science
Leah Fox - Math
Ashley Fox - Social Studies
Charlotte Nugent - Language ArtsElementary
Noura Harran - 4th Grade
Stacy Kelley - 3rd Grade
Lynn Schneider - 2nd Grade
Lamia A/Moneim - 1st GradeEarly Childhood
Molly Ogden - Kindergarten
Beverly Dublin - Pre-Kindergarten
Dave Zakem - Pre-School
Malou Ghazal - Pre-School
Kris Gamil - Assistantpecialists
Damianne President - Computers
Jon DenHartigh - Art
Didith Lanario - Music
Aaron Harring - PE
Laila Bashary - Arabic
Abu Baker Houidi - Arabic
sosan Boutros - ESL
Maisa Sarhan - French
Ross Connelly - French
Liz DenHartigh - ESL
Jimmy Nguyen - ESL
Melanie Wipf - Learning Center
unstaffed at present - LibraryExternal links
* [http://www.krtams.org Official Website]
* [http://kaswiki.wetpaint.com Wetpaint Wiki]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.