Andre Phillips

Andre Phillips

André Lamar Phillips (born September 5, 1959) is a former American athlete, winner of 400 m hurdles at the 1988 Summer Olympics.

Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, André Phillips was throughout his career in a shadow of his idol Edwin Moses, and managed to beat him once, at the Olympic Games. Phillips attended Silver Creek High School in San Jose, California and continues to hold the 300 IH (Intermediate Highs) hurdle record at 37.1 sec.

Phillips attended at University of California, Los Angeles and won NCAA championships in 400 m hurdles in 1981 and finished fifth at the first World Championships. In 1985, in absence of Moses, Phillips won his only US National Championship title and also won the IAAF World Cup.

In 1988, Phillips lost to Moses at the Olympic Trials, but showed a good pace at Olympics, winning his heat and semifinal. In the final, Phillips ran his personal best 47.19 to win a gold medal, beating second-placed Amadou Dia Ba from Senegal by 0.04 seconds. Although Moses ran his fastest Olympic final, he was only third in a time of 47.56.

He is a former teacher at Stagg High School and a current Assistant Principal at Edison High School in Stockton, California.


*Wallechinksy, David and Jaime Loucky (2008). "Track & Field (Men): 400-Meter Hurdles". In "The Complete Book of the Olympics - 2008 Edition". London: Aurum Press Limited. pp. 165-6.

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