The Languages of the Peoples of the USSR
- The Languages of the Peoples of the USSR
"The Languages of the Peoples of the USSR" ( _ru. Языки народов СССР) is a scholar work in five volumes published in Moscow in 1967 by Nauka to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, describing the languages of the Soviet Union in individual chapters.
#Indo-European languages (Индоевропейские языки)
#Turkic languages (Тюркские языки)
#Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic languages (Финно-угорские и самодийские языки)
#Ibero-Caucasian languages (Иберийско-кавказские языки)
#Mongolic, Tungus-Manchu and Paleosiberian languages (Монгольские, тунгусо-маньчжурские и палеоазиатские языки)
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