List of rare flora of the Mallee region

List of rare flora of the Mallee region

This is a list of endangered flora of the Mallee region, a biogeographic region in southern Western Australia. It includes all taxa that occur in the region, and have been classified as "R: Declared Rare Flora - Extant Taxa" under the Department of Environment and Conservation's Declared Rare and Priority Flora List, and are hence gazetted as endangered extant flora under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.cite news | title = Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2006(2) | url =,com_docman/task,doc_details/gid,403/Itemid,1208/ | format = PDF | work = Western Australian Government Gazette | publisher = Government of Western Australia | pages = 5311–5317 | date = 1 December 2006 | accessdate = 2007-01-17]

There are no taxa classified as "X: Declared Rare Flora - Presumed Extinct Taxa" for the region.

There are 50 endangered taxa:cite web | title = Florabase | url = | publisher = Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Environment and Conservation, Government of Western Australia | accessdate = 2007-01-31]
* "Acacia auratiflora"
* "Acacia caesariata"
* "Acacia depressa"
* "Acacia lanuginophylla"
* "Acacia leptalea"
* "Acacia trulliformis"
* "Adenanthos eyrei" (Toolinna Adenanthos)
* "Adenanthos pungens" subsp. "pungens"
* "Allocasuarina tortiramula" (Twisted Sheoak)
* "Anigozanthos bicolor" subsp. "minor"
* "Banksia sphaerocarpa" var. "dolichostyla" (Ironcap Banksia)
* "Boronia capitata" subsp. "capitata"
* "Boronia revoluta" (Ironcaps Boronia)
* "Caladenia bryceana" subsp. "bryceana"
* "Caladenia drakeoides"
* "Caladenia graniticola"
* "Caladenia melanema"
* "Calectasia pignattiana"
* "Conostylis lepidospermoides" (Sedge Conostylis)
* "Conostylis rogeri"
* "Drummondita longifolia"
* "Dryandra pseudoplumosa"
* "Eremophila lactea"
* "Eremophila nivea" (Silky Eremophila)
* "Eremophila verticillata" (Whorled Eremophila)
* "Eucalyptus merrickiae" (Goblet Mallee)
* "Eucalyptus steedmanii" (Steedman's Gum)
* "Goodenia integerrima"
* "Grevillea involucrata" (Lake Varley Grevillea)
* "Grevillea scapigera"
* "Hibbertia priceana"
* "Lechenaultia laricina" (Scarlet Leschenaultia)
* "Muehlenbeckia horrida" subsp. "abdita"
* "Myoporum cordifolium"
* "Myoporum turbinatum" (Salt Myoporum)
* "Orthrosanthus muelleri"
* "Ptilotus fasciculatus"
* "Rhizanthella gardneri" (Underground Orchid)
* "Ricinocarpos trichophorus"
* "Roycea pycnophylloides" (Saltmat)
* "Sphenotoma drummondii" (Mountain Paper-heath)
* "Stachystemon vinosus"
* "Symonanthus bancroftii"
* "Tetratheca aphylla" (Bungalbin Tetratheca)
* "Thelymitra psammophila" (Sandplain Sun Orchid)
* "Thelymitra stellata" (Star Sun Orchid)
* "Tribonanthes purpurea" (Granite Pink)
* "Verticordia crebra"
* "Verticordia staminosa" var. "cylindracea"
* "Verticordia staminosa" var. "erecta"


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