John Taliaferro

John Taliaferro

John Taliaferro (1768 – August 12, 1852) was a nineteenth century politician, lawyer and librarian from Virginia.

Born on "Hays" near Fredericksburg, Virginia, Taliaferro attended the common schools as a child. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, commencing practice in Fredericksburg. He was elected a Democratic-Republican to the United States House of Representatives in 1800, serving from 1801 to 1803 and was later elected back in 1811, serving until 1813. He was elected back to the House a third time to originally fill a vacancy as a Crawford Republican, Adams Republican and Anti-Jacksonian, serving from 1824 to 1831 and later a fourth time in 1834 as an Anti-Jacksonian and Whig, serving from 1835 to 1843. There, he was chairman of the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions from 1839 to 1843. Taliaferro worked as librarian at the United States Treasury Department from 1850 until his death at his farm called "Hagley" near Fredericksburg, Virginia on August 12, 1852 and was interred on the property.

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