M. Riesz extension theorem
- M. Riesz extension theorem
The M. Riesz extension theorem is a theorem in mathematics, proved by Marcel Riesz during his study of the problem of moments.
Let E be a real vector space, F subset E be a vector subspace, and let K subset E be a convex cone.
Then, a linear functional phi:F o mathbb R that is K-"positive", meaning that
:phi(x) geq 0 quad ext{for} quad x in F cap K,
can be extended to a K-positive linear functional on E. In other words,there exists a linear functional
:psi:E o mathbb R
such that
:psi|_F = phi quad ext{and} quad psi(x) geq 0 for x in K.
The proof of this theorem uses transfinite induction. The main step is to show that the theorem holds if dim E/F = 1.
Corollary: Krein's extension theorem
Let E be a real linear space, and let K subset E be a convex cone.
For every 0
eq x in E, there exists a K-positive linear functional phi: E o mathbb{R} such that phi(x)
eq 0.
ee also
* Hahn-Banach theorem
* M.Riesz, "Sur le problème des moments", 1923
* N.I.Akhiezer, "The classical moment problem and some related questions in analysis", Translated from the Russian by N. Kemmer, Hafner Publishing Co., New York 1965 x+253 pp.
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