- Ken Khachigian
Kenneth L. Khachigian is a former speechwriter for Presidents
Richard Nixon andRonald Reagan .He received his undergraduate degree, with honors, from
UC Santa Barbara and his law degree fromColumbia University .He began his public service career at the White House at age 25, rising to Deputy Special Assistant under President Richard Nixon. President Ronald Reagan commissioned him Special Consultant to the President in 1981 and - as Chief Speechwriter - a senior
White House adviser. Beginning with President Reagan's First Inaugural, Mr. Khachigian collaborated on many major political and policy speeches throughout the President's two terms.He was a key adviser and strategist for California Governors
George Deukmejian andPete Wilson , and has run several other statewide campaigns. He served as National Senior Adviser to presidential nomineeRobert Dole in 1996 and SenatorJohn McCain in 2000. Citing him as "one of the nation's most experienced and respected political and issues strategists," the U.S. Chamber of Commerce retained him as its Fellow for Politics. He is widely quoted in state and national publications and frequently lectures before businesses and associations on government affairs and politics.He served on the Board of Overseers of the
Hoover Institution and as President Reagan's appointee to the National Institute of Justice Advisory Board. He currently sits on the boards of the California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance, the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation, and the UCSB Foundation.External links
* [http://www.hatchparent.com/h+p/attorneys/bios/kennethKhachigian.shtml Hatch & Parent Law]
* [http://www.dailynexus.com/article.php?a=13761 Daily Nexus - Former AS President Recounts Career]
* [http://nixon.archives.gov/find/textual/presidential/special/staff/khachigian.html Nixon Presidential Materials - Special Files: Kenneth L. Khachigian]
* [http://thinkexist.com/quotes/ken_khachigian/ Khachigian Political Quotes at Think Exist]
* [http://www.ucsbalum.com/alum_dir_plus/notable/politics.html UCSB Notable Alumni]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.