- Propanoic anhydride
Chembox new
Name = Propanoic anhydride
ImageFile = Propanoic anhydride.png
ImageName =
IUPACName = Propanoyl propanoate
OtherNames = Propionic anhydride
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 123-62-6
RTECS = UF9100000
Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C6H10O3
MolarMass = 130.14 g/mol
Appearance = Clear liquid, with a strong smell similar to vinegar
Density = 1.015 g/cm³, liquid
Solubility = Reacts to givepropionic acid
MeltingPt = -42 °C
BoilingPt = 167 - 170 °C
Viscosity = 1.144 cP at ?°C
Section3 = Chembox Structure
Dipole =
Section7 = Chembox Hazards
ExternalMSDS = [http://ptcl.chem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/PR/propionic_anhydride.html External MSDS]
MainHazards = flammable
FlashPt = 63 °C
RPhrases = R34
SPhrases = S26-45
Section8 = Chembox Related
OtherCpds =Acetic anhydride Propanoic anhydride, also called propionic anhydride, is a simple
acid anhydride . With thechemical formula (CH3CH2CO)2O, it is a widely usedreagent inorganic synthesis .ynthesis
Propionic anhydride has been prepared by dehydration of
propionic acid usingketene : [OrgSynth | author = Williams, J. W. Krynitsky, J. A. | title = n-Caproic Anhydride | collvol = 3 | colvolpages = 164 | year = 1955 | prep = cv3p0164] : 2 CH3CH2CO2H + CH2=C=O → (CH3CH2CO)2O + CH3CO2Hafety
Propanoic anhydride is strong smelling and
corrosive , and will cause burns on contact with skin. Vapour can burn eyes and lungs.Legal Status
Due to its potential use as a precursor in the synthesis of
fentanyl and fentanyl analogs, propanoic anhydride is regulated by theUnited States Drug Enforcement Agency as a List I chemical under theControlled Substances Act . [ [http://www.dea.gov/pubs/abuse/2-chem.htm Drugs of Abuse Publication, Chapter 2 ] ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.