Giuseppe Rotunno

Giuseppe Rotunno

Giuseppe Rotunno, A.S.C., A.I.C. (born March 19, 1923 in Rome) is an Italian cinematographer. Sometimes credited as Peppino Rotunno, he was a frequent collaborator of director Federico Fellini. He also collaborated with director Vittorio de Sica on the Sophia Loren - Marcello Mastroianni film "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow".

Rottuno served as the director of photography for "Julia and Julia" (1987), the first feature shot using high definition television taping technique and then transferred to 35 mm film [ [ "New York Times" overview of "Julia and Julia"] ] . He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography for "All That Jazz". He has won seven Silver Ribbon Awards. Rotunno's additional credits include:
*"Man of La Mancha"
*"The Stendhal Syndrome"
*"Le streghe"
*"The Scarlet and the Black"
*"Red Sonja"
*"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"
*"And the Ship Sails On"
*"Fellini's Casanova"
*"China 9, Liberty 37"
*"Regarding Henry"
*"The Leopard"
*"The Secret of Santa Vittoria"
*"The Angel Wore Red"
*"The Naked Maja"
*"The Monte Carlo Story"
*"The Bible"
*"Histoires extraordinaires"
*"The Night Porter"


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  • Giuseppe Rotunno — Données clés Nom de naissance Giuseppe Rotunno Surnom Pepe Rotunno Naissance 19 mars 1923 Rome  Italie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Giuseppe Rotunno — (* 19. März 1923 in Rom) ist ein italienischer Kameramann. Leben Rotunno begann 1951 als einfacher Kameramann und arbeitet seit 1954 als Chefkameramann an mittlerweile 77 Spielfilmen. 1954 debütierte er als Kameramann mit dem Film Attila – Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rotunno — Giuseppe Rotunno (* 19. März 1923 in Rom) ist ein italienischer Kameramann. Rotunno begann 1951 als Camera Operator (dt. Kameraoperator) und arbeitet seit 1954 als Chefkameramann an mittlerweile 77 Spielfilmen. 1954 debütierte er als Kameramann… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Rotunno, Giuseppe — (1923 )    Cinematographer. Rotunno began in the industry as a still photographer at the age of 17. His career was interrupted in 1942 when he was conscripted and sent to Greece as a film reporter but then captured and interned by the Germans… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

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