Georgia House of Representatives

Georgia House of Representatives

The Georgia House of Representatives is the lower house of the Georgia General Assembly (the state legislature) of Georgia.


According to the state constitution of 1983, this body is to comprise no fewer than 180 members elected for two-year terms. Current state law provides for 180 members. Elections are held the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even-numbered years.


The House of Representatives elects its own Speaker as well as a Speaker Pro Tempore. The Speaker Pro Tempore becomes Speaker in case of the death, resignation, or permanent disability of the Speaker. The Speaker Pro Tempore serves until a new Speaker is elected. The House also has as an officer the Clerk of the House of Representatives.

The current speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives is Glenn Richardson.

List of Committees

*Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
*Judiciary - Non-Civil
*Banks and Banking
*Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment
*Children and Youth
*Defense and Veterans Affairs
*Motor Vehicles
*Economic Development and Tourism
*Natural Resources and Environment
*Public Safety
*Public Utilities and Telecommunications
*Game, Fish, and Parks
*Regulated Industries
*Governmental Affairs
*Health and Human Services
*Higher Education
*Science and Technology
*Human Relations and Aging
*Special Rules
*Industrial Relations
*State Institutions and Property
*Information and Audits
*State Planning and Community Affairs
*Interstate Cooperation
*Ways and Means
*Intragovernmental Coordination

ee also

* Georgia Senate
* 149th General Assembly of the State of Georgia (2007-2008)
* 148th General Assembly of the State of Georgia (2005-2006)
* 147th General Assembly of the State of Georgia (2003-2004)
* 146th General Assembly of the State of Georgia (2001-2002)

External links

* [ Official Website of the General Assembly of Georgia]

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