Patellar network

Patellar network

Infobox Artery
Latin = rete patellare
GraySubject = 159
GrayPage = 634

Caption = Circumpatellar anastomosis.

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DorlandsPre = r_10
DorlandsSuf = 12705378
The patellar network (or anastomosis around the knee-joint or patellar anastomosis) is an intricate network of vessels around and above the patella, and on the contiguous ends of the femur and tibia, forming a superficial and a deep plexus.

The "superficial plexus" is situated between the fascia and skin around about the patella, and forms three well-defined arches: one, above the upper border of the patella, in the loose connective tissue over the Quadriceps femoris; the other two, below the level of the patella, are situated in the fat behind the ligamentum patellæ.

The "deep plexus", which forms a close net-work of vessels, lies on the lower end of the femur and upper end of the tibia around their articular surfaces, and sends numerous offsets into the interior of the joint.

The arteries which form this plexus are the two medial and the two lateral genicular branches of the popliteal, the highest genicular, the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex, and the anterior recurrent tibial.

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