

Euryale (Greek: Εὐρυάλη, English translation: "far-roaming"), in Greek mythology, was one of the immortal Gorgons, three vicious sisters with brass hands, sharp fangs, and hair of living, venomous snakes. She, like her sisters, was able to turn any creature to stone with her gaze. Her sister Stheno was also immortal, but Medusa, the last of the sisters, was mortal. They were daughters of Phorcys and Ceto, or sometimes, Typhon and Echidna. In many stories, Euryale is noted for her bellowing cries, particularly in the tale of Medusa's death at Perseus' hands. Another Euryale, daughter of King Minos of Crete, was the mother of Orion, in Hesiod and other sources; there are other stories of his birth as well.

Modern appearances

*Euryale was a character,in Marvels Battlestar Galactica comic 1981.Euryale,was the so called Queen of Scavenge World .She tries to trap Lt.Starbuck there for a few issues until he manages to build a adandoned star ship-one left by the ancients,about the time of the Lords of Kobal.Euryale,was a red Medusa (comics)Queen of the Inhumans..See Marvel Comics character,wear an eye patch and had telepathic abilities.
*Euryale and Stheno appear in Neil Gaimans "The Sandman", published by DC Comics. They have both (in different incarnations) also appeared in Wonder Woman.
*Euryale appears as a boss monster in the video game "God of War II", attempting to avenge her sister Medusa, killed in the first "God of War". Like other Gorgons in the games, she is depicted as a woman with the upper body of a human, and a snake-like trunk extending below her waist. Unlike the other Gorgons, however, she is immensely overweight. She seems to be the mother-figure of the sisters, swearing to take revenge for all the gorgons Kratos has killed. It is believed that during her dialogue with Kratos, she was explaining how she was going to offer his corpse to the Fates in exchange for changing Medusa's fate. Euryale is voiced by Jennifer Martin.
*The Gorgons appear as villains in "American Dragon Jake Long" in the episodes "Bring It On" and "Furious Jealousy".
*Euryale appears alongside her sisters in the animated series "Class of the Titans" in the episode "Sibling Rivalry". She was voiced by Belinda Metz.
*Euryale and Stheno appear in a flashback in the visual novel Fate/hollow ataraxia, in which their sister Medusa (known as Rider) is a major character.
*Euryale is a character in Jean Ray's Gothic fantasy novel "Malpertuis".
*Euryale and the Gorgons are characters in the French opera "Persée".
*The name was given to a submarine tender in World War II; USS Euryale (AS-22).
*The Euryale is an NPC in the MMOBG Pardus, often used for "skilling" by highly experienced pilots. The Stheno and Medusa are also featured as NPCs.
*Eurayle (with a minor misspelling) is an NPC in the MMORPG Guild Wars Factions. He appears as a ferry to one of the Elite Missions.
*Euryale also appears alongside her sisters in the book "Corydon and the Island of Monsters" by Tobias Druitt. In this story they are decipted as gentle creatures.
*Stheno and Euryale are the main characters in the horror story "The Gordons" (sic!) from the collection of horror stories edited by Herbert van Thal.
*Euryale is the main character in the young adult novel "Euryale" by Kara Dalkey.

ee also

*Euryale ferox

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