

Stheno (Greek: Σθεννώ, English translation: "forceful"), in Greek mythology, was one of the Gorgons, vicious female monsters with brass hands, sharp fangs and hair of living, venomous snakes. She was born in the caverns beneath Mount Olympus. She and her sister Euryale were immortal while the third sister, Medusa was mortal. She was a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, or sometimes, Typhon and Echidna. Of the three gorgons, she was known to be the most independent and ferocious, having killed more men than both of her sisters combined. When she died, her head was put on display for the gods to mock.

Modern appearances

*Stheno appears in DC Comics' Neil Gaimans "The Sandman" and "Wonder Woman" titles.
*Stheno plays a major part in the backstory of one of City of Villains non-player villain groups, the aptly-named "Snakes".
*Stheno (along with Medusa and Euryale) is featured as an enemy in the PC game Titan Quest.
*Stheno also appears as an enemy in the Super NES games Final Fantasy IV (Final Fantasy II in the US) and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.
*Stheno and her sisters appear as villains in American Dragon Jake Long in the episodes "Bring It On" and "Furious Jealousy".
*Stheno and Euryale appear in a flashback in the visual novel Fate/hollow ataraxia, in which their sister Medusa (known as Rider) is a major character.
*Stheno appears in the MMOBG Pardus, often used as a "skilling" tool, in which pilots damage the Stheno's shields, but do not kill it. Its swarmlings are also used for skill gains. Her sisters, the Medusa and Euryale also appear in Pardus and are similar in the way that they are both frequently used for skill gains and having a swarmling counterpart.
*Stheno is the name of a Philly doom punk band.

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