

"Súmate" (Spanish for "Join Up") is a Venezuelan volunteer civil association founded in 2002 by María Corina Machado and Alejandro Plaz.

Mission and values

"Súmate" is a non-governmental organization (NGO) whose stated aim is to promote the free exercise of citizen's political rights, and the discussion of matters of public interest. The group's mission is to promote, defend, facilitate, and back the political rights accorded to citizens by the Constitution of Venezuela.

"Súmate's" espoused values are:
* The guarantee of civil and political freedom and rights
* Impartial and independent citizen participation in democratic processes
* Professional volunteerism with a high level of citizen participation
* Organizational transparency and efficacy

Other projects are the consolidation of a national network of volunteers; analysis of voter registration; planning and execution of parallel vote counts to strengthen confidence in electoral processes; and educational programs.


Hugo Chávez was elected President of Venezuela in 1998. Participation was 64%, with 36% of the electorate abstaining, resulting in a Chávez victory with 35% of the total electorate. In 1999 a new Constitution of Venezuela was approved, making Chávez eligible to run for president again in 2000, for a six-year term; and again in 2006, for another six years. This could result in a Chávez presidency of 14 years, compared to the previous presidential term limit of five years. He won the 2000 election with 60% of the votes cast, 33% of the total electorate, and 44% abstention.

These changes were made to the Constitution and electoral processes based on elections with an overwhelmingly support for Chávez but unprecedented voter abstention [ [http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2007/07/25/2812187.htm Venezuela risk: Political stability risk.] "Economist" Intelligence Unit (July 25, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-08-02.] —a "poor showing" [Serge F. Kovaleski. Venezuelan Voters Make President More Powerful; "The Washington Post". Washington, D.C.: December 16, 1999. pg. A.30] with most staying away from the polls.Gutkin, Steven. [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4196/is_19990426/ai_n10503023 Venezuelans back revising constitution.] "The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel" (April 26 1999). Retrieved on 2007-08-02.] [Serge F. Kovaleski. Venezuelans Approve Plan For Assembly; Vote Favors Chavez Wish To Rewrite Constitution; "The Washington Post." Washington, D.C.: April 26, 1999. pg. A.11 "But the turnout today was a sharp contrast to the presidential election on December 6 when 65 percent of the country's registered voters cast ballots. In the capital, Caracas, where there were no reports of violence or voting irregularities, only short lines were seen at many balloting stations, where voters could pick 'yes' or 'no' on whether a constituent assembly was needed and on proposed guidelines for the election of its members."]


"Súmate" was founded with an expressed goal of achieving a high level of citizen participation in Venezuelan elections. According to "The Washington Post", Machado and Plaz had a hurried encounter in a hotel lobby in 2001, where they shared their concern about the course that was being shaped for Venezuela. Machado said, "Something clicked. I had this unsettling feeling that I could not stay at home and watch the country get polarized and collapse.... We had to keep the electoral process but change the course, to give Venezuelans the chance to count ourselves, to dissipate tensions before they built up. It was a choice of ballots over bullets."Boustany, Nora. [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost/access/660702441.html?dids=660702441:660702441&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&fmac=&date=Jul+9%2C+2004&author=Nora+Boustany&desc=Signing+On+To+Challenge+Hugo+Chavez Signing On To Challenge Hugo Chavez.] The Washington Post. Washington, D.C.: July 9, 2004. p. A.15]

According to "The Wall Street Journal", "Súmate" is not concerned with who governs, but the Venezuelan democracy.O'Grady, Mary A. [http://www.hacer.org/current/Vene009.php A Young Defender of Democracy Faces Chávez's Wrath.] "Wall Street Journal". June 10, 2005; Page A9.]

"Súmate" was originally composed of a group of professionals, but now has grown to include 30,000 volunteers from across Venezuela and all walks of life.

Recall referendum, 2004

In 2003, "Súmate" organized a campaign to force a recall referendum revoking the remainder of the term in office of President Chávez, as provided for under Article 72 of the Constitution of Venezuela, which permits citizens to request a recall if signatures are collected from 20% of the electorate.

The recall vote was held on August 15, 2004. A record number of voters turned out but the recall was defeated with a 59% "no" vote. ["BBC News". ("BBC", 21 September 2004). [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3587184.stm "Venezuelan Audit Confirms Victory"] . Retrieved 5 November 2005.] The Carter Center concluded the results were accurate, [ Carter Center (2005). [http://www.cartercenter.org/documents/2020.pdf Observing the Venezuela Presidential Recall Referendum: Comprehensive Report.] Accessed 25 January 2006.] but European Union observers did not oversee the referendum, saying too many restrictions were put on their participation by the government.de Cordoba, Jose and Luhnow, David. "Venezuelans Rush to Vote on Chavez: Polarized Nation Decides Whether to Recall President After Years of Political Rifts". "Wall Street Journal". (Eastern edition). New York, NY: August 16, 2004. pg. A11.]

A Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates (PSB) exit poll predicted that Chávez would lose by 20%, whereas the election results showed him to have won by 20%. Schoen commented, "I think it was a massive fraud".Barone, M. [http://www.usnews.com/usnews/opinion/baroneweb/mb_040820.htm "Exit polls in Venezuela".] "U.S. News & World Report." August 20, 2004.] PSB used "Súmate" personnel as fieldworkers. Publication or broadcast of exit polls was banned by electoral authorities, but results of the PSB poll went out to media outlets and opposition offices several hours before polls closed. [http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2004/08/296520.html U.S. Poll Firm in Hot Water in Venezuela.] "Associated Press", Accessed 9 June 2006.]

Following the recall vote, "Súmate" requested that Ricardo Hausmann of Harvard University and Roberto Rigobón of MIT perform a statistical analysis analyzing how fraud could have occurred during the referendum. They concluded that the vote samples audited by the government were not a random representation of all precincts and that opposition witnesses and international observers were not allowed near the computer hub on election day.Juan Francisco Alonso (September 6 , 2004). [http://www.eluniversal.com/2004/09/06/en_pol_art_06A489963.shtml Súmate: There is a 99% probability of fraud in referendum.] "El Universal". Accessed 6 August 2006.] Weisbrot M, Rosnick D, Tucker T (September 20, 2004). [http://www.cepr.net/publications/venezuela_2004_09.htm Black Swans, Conspiracy Theories, and the Quixotic Search for Fraud: A Look at Hausmann and Rigobón's Analysis of Venezuela's Referendum Vote.] "CEPR: Center for Economic and Policy Research". Accessed 30 June 2006.] [Hausmann is married to Ana Julia Jatar, a member of the board of Súmate. Cite web|url=http://web.sumate.org/documentos/Presentacion_de_Ana_Julia_Jatar_en_el_Congreso_USA.pdf|title=Presentacion de Ana Julia Jatar en el Congreso USA|accessdate=2007-01-14|publisher=Súmate|date=2005-11-17|first=Ana Julia|last=Jattar de Hausmann|format=pdfes icon Cite web| url= http://hillel.harvard.edu/upload/1824fall02.pdf|title=Friends of Harvard Hillel Fall 2002|accessdate=2007-01-14|publisher=Riesman Center for Harvard Hillel|year=2002 | format=pdf | pages= [http://hillel.harvard.edu/upload/1824fall02.pdf#Page=5 p 22] ] CEPR, a liberal think tank [Dorell, O. (4/12/2005). [http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/retirement/2005-04-12-benefits-calculators_x.htm Benefit estimates depend on who calculates them.] "USA Today". Accessed 30 June 2006.] based in Washington, reports that other economists have called the Harvard/MIT assumptions about how the alleged fraud was conducted unlikely.Weisbrot M, Rosnick D, Tucker T (September 20, 2004). [http://www.cepr.net/publications/venezuela_2004_09.htm Black Swans, Conspiracy Theories, and the Quixotic Search for Fraud: A Look at Hausmann and Rigobón's Analysis of Venezuela's Referendum Vote] . "CEPR: Center for Economic and Policy Research". Accessed 30 June 2006. [

Treason and conspiracy charges

The group is funded in large part by private Venezuelan interests, but also reportedly received up to 6% of their funds via a grant from the U.S.- backed National Endowment for Democracy. [ [http://buscador.eluniversal.com/2006/08/08/en_pol_art_08A761317.shtml Foreign Contributions amount to 6 per cent of funds.] "El Universal" (8 August 2006).] [ [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c108:H.+Res.+867: Expressing support for the work of the National Endowment for Democracy in Venezuela.] Resolution in the US House of Representatives "the National Endowment for Democracy made a grant to Sumate in the amount of $53,400 for a voter education project in Venezuela". (20 November 2004).] According to "CBS News", Chávez branded the leaders of Súmate, a vote-monitoring group, as "conspirators, coup plotters and lackeys of the U.S. government". [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/12/03/ap/world/mainD8E8MNGO6.shtml?CMP=ILC-SearchStories Chavez Calls Watchdog Group a Top Enemy.] "CBS News" (3 December 2005).] After the referendum, members of "Súmate" were charged with treason and conspiracy, violating Article 132, for receiving financial support for their activities from the NED. The trial has been postponed several times.

The criminal charges triggered concern from Human Rights WatchHuman Rights Watch. [http://hrw.org/english/docs/2005/07/08/venezu11299.htm Venezuela: Court Orders Trial of Civil Society Leaders.] Accessed 8 June 2006.] and the NED-related World Movement for Democracy. The latter accused the Government of Venezuela of illegally "withholding case files from the defendants, using depositions of the defendants that were made before the charges against them were known, and refusing to accede to requests of the Supreme Court in the case." [World Movement for Democracy. [http://www.wmd.org/democracyalerts/july1504.html Democracy Activists in Venezuela Threatened.] (16 July 2004) Accessed 8 June 2006.] Tom Casey, acting spokesman for the State Department, expressed disappointment about the court's decision to try the founders and said the charges were "without merit." [Embassy of the United States, Venezuela (July 8, 2005). [http://caracas.usembassy.gov/wwwh2678.html "Súmate Trial Decision".] Accessed 18 June 2006.]

Over 70 democrats, including prominent world leaders, wrote to Chávez on November 11, 2004, pointing out that "proceeding against nongovernmental organizations for receiving democratic assistance is a violation of both the Inter-American Democratic Charter and the Warsaw Declaration of the Community of Democracies, a document your government signed along with over 100 others four years ago." The letter indicated that the prosecution, "as well as the proposal to criminalize democracy assistance from abroad" are both "clearly inconsistent with international democratic norms and constitute a grave threat to democracy." Signatories of the letter included Czech President Vaclav Havel, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, U.S. Senator John McCain, former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell, former Nicaraguan President Violeta Chamorro, former Prime Minister of Bulgaria Philip Dimitrov, and Richard Goldstone, former prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.National Endowment for Democracy. [http://web.archive.org/web/20050310172138/http://www.ned.org/press/pr111104.html International Coalition Expresses Concern for Democracy in Venezuela: Havel, Albright, McCain among signatories of letter to Chavez.] (11 November 2004). Accessed on August 16, 2006.]

Presidential elections, 2006

"Súmate" recommended procedures for a primary, to be held on August 13, 2006, to choose the opposition candidate for the December 3, 2006 presidential elections. [ [http://www.eluniversal.com/2006/07/07/pol_ava_07A740687.shtml Súmate: Las primarias se realizarán el 13 de agosto.] "El Universal" (7 July 2006). es_icon] Teodoro Petkoff, a Chávez critic, said that "Súmate's" procedure was authoritarian, comparing it to the Carmona Decree. [ [http://www.globovision.com/news.php?nid=32388 Teodoro Petkoff: "No me inscribiré ni participaré en ese proceso."] "Globovision" (7 July 2006). es icon] Nine other candidates agreed to the terms for holding a primary, confirming their desire to allow the citizens to choose the opposition candidate. Another candidate condemned Petkoff's remarks against "Súmate", saying that Petkoff's statements didn't help the country, and explaining that the conditions for holding a primary had been previously discussed between all of the candidates, including Petkoff. [ [http://www.eluniversal.com/2006/07/07/pol_ava_07A740449.shtml Froilán Barrios condenó expresiones de Petkoff.] "El Universal" (7 July 2006). es_icon] [ [http://english.eluniversal.com/2006/07/08/en_pol_art_08A740643.shtml Súmate announced primaries for August 13th.] "El Universal" (8 July 2006).] On August 9, Súmate announced that the August 13 primary election would not be held, since the candidates had decided to back Manuel Rosales as the single opposition candidate. Machado said that the primary "initiative accomplished its goal and that Súmate would continue working to ensure clean elections and respect for citizens' rights." [ [http://english.eluniversal.com/2006/08/09/en_pol_art_09A762463.shtml Súmate: there will be no primary elections.] "El Universal" (August 8, 2006).]

On 8 December2006, Súmate announced that their count and audits of the final election results matched the official count of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council, that showed a landslide victory for Hugo Chávez, highlighting that "balloting was not clean, transparent or reliable."Castillo, Vivian. [http://english.eluniversal.com/2006/12/08/en_pol_art_08A813237.shtml "We will know the truth when we have clean elections".] "El Universal" (8 December2006). Accessed 10 December, 2006.] Machado said the Government had stacked the odds against the opposition in the pre-election period, including "a climate of collective intimidation" due to the use of fingerprint-reading machines and an unaudited register of voters, and that if irregularities had been corrected, they could have impacted the final result. She clarified that the impact could not be assessed, saying "We will know only the truth about what Venezuelans really feel, the day when clean elections are held in Venezuela."


Critics say that "Súmate" is not an impartial organization. "Súmate" describes itself as a civil association [ [http://web.sumate.org/quienes_somos.asp Súmate: Quienes Somos.] Accessed 17 August 2006.] not concerned with who governs, but the Venezuelan democracy.

Other sources describe Súmate as an election or vote-monitoring group, [Diehl, Jackson. In Venezuela, Locking Up the Vote; "The Washington Post." Washington, D.C.: April 10, 2006. pg. A.17] Watch Venezuela; "The Washington Post." Washington, D.C.: November 21, 2004. pg. B.06] a civic organization or civic society,Boustany, Nora. [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost/access/660702441.html?dids=660702441:660702441&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&fmac=&date=Jul+9%2C+2004&author=Nora+Boustany&desc=Signing+On+To+Challenge+Hugo+Chavez Signing On To Challenge Hugo Chavez.] "The Washington Post." Washington, D.C.: July 9, 2004. p. A.15] [Luhnow, David; de Cordoba, Jose. Academics' Study Backs Fraud Claim In Chavez Election. "Wall Street Journal". New York, N.Y.: September 7, 2004. pg. A.18] a voting rights organization, [Kraul, Chris. THE WORLD; 3 Venezuela Opposition Parties Bow Out; The anti-Chavez groups, alleging irregularities, say they won't take part in legislative elections.; "Los Angeles Times." Los Angeles, Calif.: November 30, 2005. pg. A.3] an NGO or Venezuela's largest nongovernmental organization,OGrady, Mary Anastasia. Americas: A Young Mayor Dares to Defy the Chavistas. "Wall Street Journal". New York, N.Y.: July 29, 2005. pg. A.13] [Bush Doctrine, Latin-Style. "Wall Street Journal." New York, N.Y.: June 7, 2005. pg. A.14] a "nongovernmental organization resisting efforts by President Hugo Chavez's to turn Venezuela into a dictatorship", a Venezuelan group that helped organize the recall initiative, [http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2004/08/296520.html U.S. Poll Firm in Hot Water in Venezuela.] "Associated Press", Accessed 9 June 2006.] an organization that mobilized petitioners for the recall of Chavez, [Lakshmanan, Indira A.R. [http://www.boston.com/news/world/latinamerica/articles/2004/08/19/venezuela_opposition_refuses_to_admit_defeat?mode=PF VENEZUELA OPPOSITION REFUSES TO ADMIT DEFEAT.] "Boston Globe". Boston, Mass.: August 19, 2004. pg. A.6] a pro-democracy nonprofit group, [http://www.nationalreview.com/symposium/symposium200603080944.asp Women the World Should Know.] "National Review Online" (March 8, 2006).] a volunteer organization of democracy activists, [ [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/21/eveningnews/main1638480.shtml Tourists And The Two Venezuelas.] "CBS News" (21 May 2006).] and a watchdog group or election watchdog organization. [ [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/12/05/ap/world/mainD8EA5BS80.shtml?CMP=ILC-SearchStories Chavez's Party Gets Big Election Victory.] "CBS News" (5 December 2005).]

Juan Forero of "The New York Times" referred to Súmate as an anti-Hugo Chavez election-monitoring organization, [Forero, Juan. Venezuela's Best-Loved, or Maybe Most-Hated, Citizen. "New York Times." New York, N.Y.: November 19, 2005. pg. A.4] and an antigovernment group. [Forero, Juan. Venezuelan Judge Orders Trial For Chavez Foe Helped by U.S. "New York Times." New York, N.Y.: July 8, 2005. pg. A.2] The "BBC" has referred to "Sumate" at least three times as an "opposition group". [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4496586.stm Venezuela 'landslide' for Chavez.] "BBC News" (5 December 2005).] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4482636.stm Venezuelan opposition quit poll.] "BBC News" (29 November 2005).] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4321198.stm Venezuela to boost poll security.] "BBC News" (7 October 2005).] Venezuelas "El Universal" consistently refers to Súmate as an NGO, [ [http://english.eluniversal.com/2006/07/08/en_pol_art_08A740643.shtml Súmate announced primaries for August 13th.] "El Universal" (8 July 2006).] but has called it an opposition NGO in the past. "The Christian Science Monitor" says of Machado, “a friend invited her to create a pro-democracy group”, but adds that Larry Birns, director of the liberal Council on Hemispheric Affairs in Washington says that "Sumate's" "pro-democracy pretensions are ... a front for its anti-Chávez goals".Ceaser, Mike. [http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0705/p06s01-woam.html Anti-Chávez leader under fire.] "Christian Science Monitor" (July 5, 2005).]

Other controversy

Critics say that Machado supported the 2002 coup attempt. Venezuelan newspaper "El Nacional" reports that María Corina Machado's signature is among 352 signatures on the Carmona Decree. [ [http://www.el-nacional.com/referencia/documentos/pdf/Listadeimputados.pdf Lista de Firmantes del Decreto Carmona.] "El Nacional (Archivos)." Accessed 24 July 2006.] Following the brief ouster of Chávez on April 11, 2002, this decree dissolved the National Assembly (democratically elected under Chávez), the Supreme Tribunal of Justice and other institutions in order to hold new elections, re-establish the constitutional thread, and enact Article 350 of the Constitution of Venezuela which says the People of Venezuela shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that violates democratic values, principles and guarantees or encroaches upon human rights. [ [http://www.analitica.com/Bitblio/carmona_estanga/decreto1.asp Acta de constitución del Gobierno de Transición Democrática y Unidad Nacional.] "Venezuela Analítica" (April 12, 2002). Retrieved 24 July 2006. es icon] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1926437.stm Venezuela to hold elections within year.] "BBC News" (12 April 2002).] According to "The Christian Science Monitor", Machado says she had visited the presidential palace and wrote her name on what she thought was a sign-in sheet. "Súmate" and others have denounced the government for using the list of signers of the recall petition in violation of privacy and electoral laws. Luis Tascón, a member of the National Assembly representing Chávez' party (Fifth Republic Movement - MVR) and the Communist Party of Venezuela of Táchira state, under orders from Chávez to collect copies of signatures of the petitioners for the recall referendum, published on his website the identities of over 2,400,000 signers.Embassy of the United States, Caracas, Venezuela. [http://caracas.usembassy.gov/wwwh2796.html Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2005, Venezuela.] Accessed 1 July 2006.] "Súmate" alleged violation of privacy and electoral laws, considering reports that people who worked for the government were fired, denied work, or denied the issuance of official documents because of their appearance on the list.Embassy of the United States, Caracas, Venezuela. [http://caracas.usembassy.gov/wwwh2796.html Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2005, Venezuela.] Accessed 1 July 2006.] It is reported in summer 2006 that Venezuelan prosecutors have brought conspiracy charges against the leaders of Súmate. The pro-Chavez National Assembly is preparing to require nonprofit groups to reveal their funding sources.


Plaz is a Venezuelan engineer and management consultant, who holds three Masters degrees (two from Stanford University), and was a Senior partner for McKinsey & Company in Latin America, before taking a leave of absence to co-found "Súmate". Machado was hailed as "the best of womankind and the difficult times many women face around the globe" on a list of "Women the World Should Know" for International Women's Day. [http://www.nationalreview.com/symposium/symposium200603080944.asp Women the World Should Know.] "National Review Online" (March 8, 2006).]

Luis Enrique Palacios and Ricardo Estévez are also charged with complicity in treason and conspiracy.

See also


External links

* [http://www.sumate.org/ Official Súmate website]
* [http://hrw.org/english/docs/2005/07/08/venezu11299.htm Human Rights Watch statement on trial of Súmate founders]
* [http://www.wmd.org/democracyalerts/july1504.html Democracy Activists in Venezuela Threatened]
* [http://www.senate.gov/~foreign/hearings/2004/hrg040624p.html The State of Democracy in Venezuela,] United States Senate hearing before the Committee on foreign relations.
*U.S. Department of State, [http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/57714.pdf The State of Democracy in Venezuela,] December 1, 2005.
* [http://caracas.usembassy.gov/wwwh2678.html US Embassy statement on "conspiracy" charges against Súmate founders]
* [http://www.ccd21.org/articles/warsaw_declaration.htm Final Warsaw Declaration: Toward a Community of Democracies.] Warsaw, Poland, June 27, 2000
* [http://www.usnews.com/usnews/opinion/baroneweb/mb_040820.htm U.S. News on Exit Polls in Venezuela]

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