

An Amazonomachy (English translation: "Amazon battle"; plural, Amazonomachiai Ἀμαζονομαχίαι (Ancient Greek) or Amazonomachies Αμαζονομαχίες (Modern Greek)) was a portrayal of legendary battle between Greeks and Amazons. The mythic all-female warrior society succumbed to the likes of Heracles and Theseus, and symbolised the triumph of Greek or Macedonian civilization over the barbarian.


*Pheidias represented an Amazonomachy on the shield of the Athena Parthenos, the monumental cult statue of the Parthenon.
*Another representation was painted by Micon, on the Stoa Poikile at the Ancient Agora of Athens.


ee also

*For discussion of such battles as depicted in mythology, Amazons in Greek Mythology.
*For representation of Amazonomachies as depicted in ancient visual art, see Amazons in Greek & Roman Art.
*For the most famous Amazonomachy, see Attic War.

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