- Gomphus (fungus)
image_caption = "Gomphus clavatus "
Albin Schmalfuß, 1897
regnum = Fungi
divisio =Basidiomycota
classis =Agaricomycetes
ordo =Phallales
familia =Gomphaceae
genus = "Gomphus"
genus_authority = Pers.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "G. clavatus" "G. floccosus""Gomphus" is a small genus of cantharelloid
fungi which were presumed to be related tochanterelle s, however molecular study has shown them to be allied with stinkhorns and fairy clubs. The genus is polyphyletic which would possibly result in a new name for "G. floccosus" in the future. Thetype species of the genus is the pig's ear ("G. clavatus").There are several undescribed species in the forests of Myrtle beech ("
Nothofagus cunninghamii ")Tasmania . [Fuhrer B (2005) A Field Guide to Australian Fungi. Bloomings Books. ISBN 1-876473-51-7 ] Interestingly, Bruce Fuhrer had noticed in 1992 that the large and ornamented spores of these species resembled those of the genera "Ramaria " and "Beenakia ".cite book | author = Fuhrer B & Robinson R | year = 1992 | title = Rainforest Fungi of Tasmania and Southeast Australia | publisher = CSIRO Press | id = ISBN 978-0-643-05311-3]The name is derived from the Greek 'γομφος' "gomphos" meaning 'plug' or 'large wedge-shaped nail'. [ cite book|author=Liddell HJ, Scott R|year=1980|title=Greek-English Lexicon, Abridged Edition |publisher=Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK|id=ISBN 0-19-910207-4]
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