

BoundsChecker is a memory checking tool used for C++ software development with Microsoft Visual C++. It is part of the [ DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite] . Comparable tools are Purify, Insure++ and Valgrind.

BoundsChecker can be run in two modes ActiveCheck which doesn't instrument the application and FinalCheck which does.

ActiveCheck performs a less intrusive analysis and monitors all calls by the application to the C Runtime Library, Windows API and calls to COM objects. By monitoring memory allocations and frees it can detect memory leaks and overruns. Monitoring API and COM calls enables ActiveCheck to check parameters, returns and exceptions and report exceptions when they occur. Thread deadlocks can also be detected by monitoring of the synchronization objects and calls giving actual and potential deadlock detection.

FinalCheck requires an instrumented build and gives a much deeper but more intrusive analysis. It provides all of the detection features of ActiveCheck plus the ability to detect buffer overflows (read and write) and uninitialized memory accesses. it monitors every scope change, pointer and memory usage.

See also

* Nu-Mega Technologies
* Compuware

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