- Faliscan language
The Faliscan language, the extinct language of the ancient
Falisci , forms, together withLatin , the group ofLatino-Faliscan languages . It is preserved in about 100 shortinscription s, dating from the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, and is written in a variety of the Old Italicalphabet derived from the Etruscan, and written from right to left, but showing some traces of the influence of theLatin alphabet .cite web|url=http://www.omniglot.com/writing/olditalic.htm|title=Old Italic alphabets|accessdate=2008-01-24]A specimen of the language appears written round the edge of a picture on a
patera , the genuineness of which is established by the fact that the words were written before the glaze was put on: "foied vino pipafo, cra carefo"," i.e. in Latin "hodie vinum bibam, cras carebo" 'today I will drink wine; tomorrow I won't have any' (R. S. Conway , "Italic Dialects", p. 312, b). This shows some of the phonetic characteristics of the Faliscan language, such as the following:#The retention of medial "f" which in Latin became "b";
#The representation of an initial Proto-Indo-European "gh" by "f" ("foied", contrast Latin "hodie");
#Thepalatalization of "d+" consonant "i" into some sound denoted merely by "i-" the central sound of "foied", from "fo-died";
#The loss of final "s", at least before certain following sounds ("cra" beside Latin "cras");Other characteristics, appearing elsewhere, are:
#The retention of the labiovelars (Fal. "cuando" = Latin "quando"; contrast Umbrian "pan"("n")u";)
#The assimilation of some final consonants to the initial sound of the next word: "pretod de zenatuo sententiad" (Conway, "lib. cit." 321), i.e. in Latin "praetor de senatus sententia" ("zenatuo" for "senatuos", an archaic genitive).For further details see Conway, "ib." pp. 370 ff., especially pp. 384–385, where the relation of the names "Falisci", "Falerii" to the local hero
Halaesus (e.g.Ovid , "Fasti", iv. 73) is discussed, and where reason is given for thinking that the change of initial "f" (from an original "bh" or "dh") into an initial "h" was a genuine mark of Faliscan dialect.It seems probable that the dialect lasted on, though being gradually permeated with Latin, till at least
150 BC .In addition to the remains found in the graves, which belong mainly to the period of Etruscan domination and give ample evidence of material prosperity and refinement, the earlier strata have yielded more primitive remains from the Italic epoch. A large number of inscriptions consisting mainly of proper names may be regarded as Etruscan rather than Faliscan, and they have been disregarded in the account of the dialect just given. It should perhaps be mentioned that there was a town Feronia in
Sardinia , named probably after their native goddess by Faliscan settlers, from some of whom we have a votive inscription found at S. Maria di Falleri (Conway, "ib." p. 335).The
National Etruscan Museum ,Rome , holds Faliscan artifacts.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.