List of Jerusalem cherry diseases

List of Jerusalem cherry diseases

This article is a list of diseases of the Jerusalem cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum).


Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases
Alternaria leaf spot

Alternaria solani


Colletotrichum sp.

Botrytis blight

Botrytis cinerea

Phyllosticta leaf spot

Phyllosticta dulcamarae

Phyllosticta leaf spot

Phyllosticta pseudocapsici

Phytophthora root and crown rot

Phytophthora parasitica

Powdery mildew

Leveillula taurica

Pythium root rot

Pythium ultimum

Rhizoctonia root and crown rot

Rhizoctonia solani

Southern blight

Sclerotium rolfsii

Stemphylium leaf spot

Stemphylium solani

Verticillium wilt

Verticillium albo-atrum

Nematodes, parasitic

Nematodes, parasitic
Cyst nematode

Heterodera tabacum

Root knot nematode

Meloidogyne arenaria
Meloidogyne incognita
Meloidogyne javanica

Viral and viroid diseases

Viral and viroid diseases
Cucumber mosaic genus Cucumovirus, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
Impatiens necrotic spot genus Tospovirus, Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV)
Tobacco mosaic genus Tobamovirus, Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
Tomato spotted wilt genus Tospovirus, Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)


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