



It is said that he is the one who collects the souls of the dead and aids them on their journey to the next world, in his rickety old cart. The cart is pulled along either by two horses, one of which is old and thin while the other is youthful and strong, or by four black horses of unspecified age.

According to legend he is tall, and wears a wide-brimmed hat and long coat. Some tales have it that he has two companions, who are skeletons in some versions, following behind his cart and tossing the dead into it.

There are many tales involving Ankou. According to some he was the first child of Adam and Eve. Other versions have it that the Ankou is the first dead person of the year (though he is always depicted as adult, and male), charged with collecting the others before he can go to the afterlife.

One says that there were three drunk friends walking home one night, when they came across an old man on a rickety cart. Two of the men started shouting at Ankou, and then throwing stones, when they broke the axle on his cart they ran off.

The third friend felt bad, and so wanting to help Ankou, first found a branch to replace the broken axle, and then gave Ankou his shoe-laces to tie it to the cart with. The next morning, the two friends who were throwing stones at Ankou were dead, while the one who stayed to help only had his hair turned white. He would never speak in detail about how it happened.

Ankou, who is king of the dead, and his subjects have their own particular paths along which their sacred processions move.Wentz, W. Y. (1911). "The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries." Reprinted. Colin Smythe (1981). ISBN 0-901072-51-8. P. 218.]

Ankou in popular culture

*Ankou is in the Monster in My Pocket series. Grave Watcher, #106 appears to be a similar figure, perhaps one of his following skeletons. The 2006 relaunch includes yet another similar figure (closer to Ankou than Grave Watcher), now known as Grim Watcher.

*In the video game Soul Calibur III, Zasalamel's first unlockable weapon is named Ankou. As Zasalamel seeks death, this is a fitting name.

*In the Angelos Mythos he is an angel punished with eternal life and serves as a teacher to some characters.

*In the MMORPG RuneScape, Ankous are powerful monsters with plenty of hitpoints and a powerful punch, made for the Stronghold of Security which features a cameo to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, with Ankous being a monster in the Sepulchre of Death (Ankous here look like skeletons with transparent flesh).

*In The North Sea & Rameses III 2006's collaboration album, Night of the Ankou, edited by Type Records.

*Ankou also is the name of the American football team of the Brit town of Rennes in France.

*Ankou is referred to in the "Cerements" episode of , volume 8 of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman series.

*Ankou is referenced in "Clanbook: Malkavian", part of White Wolf Publishing's World of Darkness series of role-playing games, as being a legendary member of that Clan.

ee also

*Fairy path


References and further readings

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