- Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring
"Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring" [ "Olmo Lung Ring" is part of the land of "Tazig". They have been conflated for economy.] is a
non-dual spiritualrealm (plane ordimension ) of theBön tradition which resides beyonddualism . It is understood to be a timeless perfected realm where peace and joy are the very fabric of being. This country-name rTa-gzig is believed to be a form of the name Tajik; while the Ol-mo-lung-ring is believed to be a form of the name of the city Olmaliq (now reckoned as being within Uzbekistan, but formerly included within Tajik-istan).The realm of "Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring" is
fable d to be located to the west ofMount Kailash and shaped like an eight-petaledlotus and divided into four regions: inner, middle, outer andboundary area . The sky of this realm is likened to an eight-spoked wheel (referDharmachakra ) and the land itself is fragrant and coloured by beautifulflora and landscaping,chorten and snow-capped mountains.Central to "Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring" is "Yungdrung Gutsek", a pyramidal-shaped mountain serving as
axis mundi with nine Yungdrungs ["Yungdrung" is apolyvalent symbol that may be understood to personifydharmakaya and the everlasting and indestructible essence-quality of themindstream .] (refersauwastika ) ascending like a staircase evocative of the Nine Ways (or stages) of Bon. The four faces of the pyramidal mountain, face the fourcardinal directions . At the corner-joints of "Yungdrung Gutsek" (cross-quarter directions ) four rivers flow fromsimulacra of archetypalthoughtform s:
*from the simulacrum of asnowlion the river "Narazara" flows from theEast ;
*from the simulacrum of ahorse the river "Pakshi" flows from theNorth ;
*from the simulacrum of apeacock the river "Gyim Shang" flows from theWest ; and
*from the simulacrum of anelephant the river "Sindhu" flows from theSouth .cholarly view and retort
Mount Kailash of northwestern Tibet has been equated with "Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring" by some scholars. The Bönpo contend with this as "Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring" is not a physical locality that can be visited by humans in the state of dualism. In order to access "Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring", one must diligently practice spiritual disciplines, purify the
bodymind andmindstream of all obscurations and realise the non-dual state. Bönpo pray with theheartmind to take birth in "Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring" as this may only occur post-enlightenment. Mount Kailash is accessible by those in a dualistic and non-realised state and is therefore proof to the Bönpo that Mount Kailash and "Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring" are qualitatively and essentially, different realms. Historical Bön texts state explicitly that the sacred mountain of Mount Kailash is central to the kingdom of Zhangzhung.Notes
1 "Olmo Lung Ring" is part of the land of "Tazig". They have been conflated for economy.
2 "Yungdrung" is apolyvalent symbol that may be understood to personifydharmakaya and the everlasting and indestructible essence-quality of themindstream .References
*GesheNyima Dakpa Rinpoche (2006). "Opening the Door to Bon". Snow Lion Publications. ISBN: 1559392460. Source: http://www.snowlionpub.com/samples/OPDOBO_Ch1.pdf (accessed: Thursday January 18, 2007)
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