Anti-Japanese Army For The Salvation Of The Country
- Anti-Japanese Army For The Salvation Of The Country
Anti-Japanese Army For The Salvation Of The Country was a volunteer army led by Li Hai-ching resisting the pacification of Manchukuo. It had about 10,000 anti-Japanese guerrilla troops described as being equipped with light artillery and numerous machine guns. They operated in the in the south of Kirin, now Heilongjiang province. Li established his headquarters at Fuyu and were in control of the territory round about there and southward as far as Nungan.
* Jowett, Phillip S. , Rays of The Rising Sun, Armed Forces of Japan’s Asian Allies 1931-45, Volume I: China & Manchuria, 2004. Helion & Co. Ltd., 26 Willow Rd., Solihul, West Midlands, England.
* [ Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune Tuesday, March 29, 1932]
* [,9171,753274,00.html May 2, 1932 TIME "Earthly Paradise"]
See also
*Invasion of Manchuria
*Pacification of Manchukuo
*Second Sino-Japanese War
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