kred- — kred English meaning: beams Deutsche Übersetzung: “Gebälk” Note: (k̂red ? see under) Material: Goth. hrōt n. “roof”, O.N. hrōt “roof, Dachraum”, O.S. O.E. hrōst ‘sparrenwerk of Daches” (*krōd s to ) = Dutch roest “Huhnerstange … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
credit*/*/ — [ˈkredɪt] noun I 1) [U] an arrangement to receive money from a bank, or receive goods from a shop, and to pay for them later Ant: debit I don t like buying things on credit.[/ex] Some suppliers will not offer credit to their customers.[/ex] 2)… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
credit memorandum — / kredɪt ˌmemərændəm/, credit memo / kredɪt ˌmeməυ/ noun US a note showing that money is owed to a customer ● When the buyer paid too much money for the goods he was immediately sent a credit memorandum. ● I hope we receive a credit memo from the … Marketing dictionary in english
Crédit Mobilier — /kred it moh beel yeuhr, moh beel yay /; Fr. /krdday dee maw bee lyay /, U.S. Hist. a joint stock company organized in 1863 and reorganized in 1867 to build the Union Pacific Railroad. It was involved in a scandal in 1872 in which high government … Universalium
accredited — [əˈkredɪtɪd] adj having official approval … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
credibility — [ˌkredəˈbɪləti] noun [U] qualities that someone or something has that make people believe them or trust them The government is losing credibility by its failure to act quickly.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
credible — [ˈkredəb(ə)l] adj 1) able to be believed or trusted credible evidence[/ex] 2) considered likely to happen or likely to be successful a credible opponent/candidate[/ex] credibly adv … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
creditable — [ˈkredɪtəb(ə)l] adj good enough to deserve some praise or admiration … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
creditor — [ˈkredɪtə] noun [C] a person or company that is owed money by another person or company Ant: debtor … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
kredse — kred|se vb., r, de, t; kredse rundt om solen; kredse om problemerne … Dansk ordbog