

in universe
subject = a
described_object = a fictional creature
category =

Infobox D&D creature
alignment=True Neutral
type=Magical Beast
source=Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

Rothé are fictional herd animals in various role-playing games.

In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, they are one of the primary livestock of humans of Faerûn's Northern areas and of the drow of the Underdark below. They resemble musk oxen, and have three different sub-species – surface rothé, deep rothé (that communicate with magical flashing lights in their Underdark home), and ghost rothé (large white rothé with magical abilities that grant them transportation and silence).

Rothé are commonly used for their meat, skin, and milk, used to make cheese.More about Rothé can be learnt in Elaine Cunningham's Starlight & Shadows trilogy, in which heroine Liriel Baenre's arch-enemy, Shakti Hunszrin, happens to be part of a rothé breeders family.

Rothé can be found in the roguelike computer game NetHack.

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