- 999 (number)
Number|number = 999
range = 0-1000
cardinal = Nine hundred [and] ninety-nine
ordinal = th
ordinal text = Nine hundred [and] ninety-ninth
numeral =
factorization =
prime =
divisor = 1, 3, 9, 27, 37, 111, 333, 999
roman = CMXCIX
unicode =
greek prefix =
latin prefix =
bin = 1111100111
oct = 1747
duo = 6B3
hex = 3E7
misc =Nine hundred and ninety-nine is the
natural number following nine hundred ninety-eight and preceding one thousand. 999 is aHarshad number and aKaprekar number .Nine hundred and ninety-nine is also:
* The largest 3 digit whole number in base 10.
* 999, the telephone number for theemergency services in theUnited Kingdom , TheRepublic of Ireland ,Hong Kong ,Macau ,Singapore ,Malaysia , theUAE ,Poland and others.
*999 (band) , aLondon punk band active during the 1970s
* AtDisneyland 'sHaunted Mansion , the number of "happy haunts here, but there's room for a thousand. Any volunteers?"
* When adigital camera creates folder 999 in the DCIM folder, it announces a CF error and a new card must be loaded.
* "Triple Nine " is a television drama fromSingapore .
* TheTriple Nine Society is a highIQ society for the top tenth of one percent of the population.
* The number ofJ.R. "Bob" Dobbs is 999 (along with 606 and 13013). 333 is the number of ,,oBo,, the anti-"Bob".
* The nickname for the [http://www.999eyes.com/ 999 Eyes of Endless Dream Carnival and Sideshow of the Damned]
* No. 999, the firststeam locomotive in theUnited States to operate at faster than 100 mph.
*Ford 999 , a pioneering 1902 racer named for the locomotive.
*Galaxy Express 999 , amanga andanime created byLeiji Matsumoto .
* The secret number of [http://www.biomek.org/ The Death Dealers Clan] fromAuto Assault PC game.
*Shri Gurudev Mahendranath (1911–1991) used the number 999 as a nickname, possibly in tribute to his friendAleister Crowley , who used the number 666 in a similar manner.
* The area ofLuxembourg , in square miles.
* 999 Directory [http://www.999.com.my/] , an information and contact number directory web site in Malaysia.
* "999" is a song fromKeith Richards ' 1992 album "Main Offender ".
* A BBC television programme from the 1990s, re-enacting real life emergencies on the small screen.
* The last assigned number in the Dewey Decimal system for libraries, referencing the general history ofextraterrestrial worlds
*It's a taunt fromAge of Mythology . You can hear it in multiplayer when chatting "999". It sounds like dwarves singing the main theme from theAge of Empires series .
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