- Francisco Varela
Francisco Javier Varela García (
Sept 7 , 1946 –May 28 ,2001 ), was aChile an biologist, philosopher and neuroscientist who, together with his teacherHumberto Maturana , is best known for introducing the concept ofautopoiesis to biology.Biography
Francisco_Varela was born in 1946 in Santiago in Chile. Like his mentor
Humberto Maturana , Varela studied first medicine then biology in Chile, then did a Ph.D. in biology atHarvard University . His thesis, defended in 1970 and supervised byTorsten Wiesel , was titled "Insect Retinas: Information processing in the compound eye".After the 1973 military coup led by
Augusto Pinochet , Varela and his family spent 7 years in exile in the USA before returning to Chile to become a Professor of biology.Varela became a Tibetan Buddhist in the 1970s, initially studying with the meditation master
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche , founder ofVajradhatu andShambhala Training , and later withTulku Urgyen Rinpoche , a Nepalese master of highertantra s.In 1986, he settled in France, where he at first taught cognitive science and epistemology at the
École Polytechnique , and neuroscience at theUniversity of Paris . From 1988 until his death, he led a research group at theCNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique).He died in 2001 in
Paris ofHepatitis C after having written an account of his 1998 liver transplant. [ " [http://www.oikos.org/varelafragments.htm Intimate Distances - Fragments for a Phenomenology of Organ Transplantation] "] . Varela had four children, including the actress and modelLeonor Varela .Work
Varela was primarily trained as a biologist, and was fundamentally influenced by his teacher and fellow Chilean,
Humberto Maturana , also a biologist with a strong philosophical orientation.Varela wrote and edited a number of books and numerous journal articles in
biology ,neurology ,cognitive science ,mathematics , andphilosophy . He was a founding member of theIntegral Institute , athinktank dedicated to the cross-fertilization of ideas and disciplines.Varela was a proponent of the
embodied philosophy which argues that humancognition andconsciousness can only be understood in terms of the enactive structures in which they arise, namely the body (understood both as a biological system and as personally, phenomenogically experienced) and the physical world with which the body interacts. He introduced into neuroscience the concepts ofneurophenomenology , based on the phenomenological writings ofEdmund Husserl and ofMaurice Merleau-Ponty , and on "first person science," in which observers examine their conscious experience using scientifically verifiable methods.See also
*Cartesian anxiety
*Molecular Cellular Cognition
* Phenomenology
*Neurodynamics Publications
Varela wrote numerous book and articles: [Comprehensive [http://www.enolagaia.com/Varela.html#Bib bibliography] by Randall Whitaker.]
* 1980 (withHumberto Maturana ). "Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living". Boston: Reidel.
* 1979. "Principles of Biological Autonomy". North-Holland.
* 1998 (1987) (withHumberto Maturana ). "The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding". Boston: Shambhala Press.
* 1991 (withEvan Thompson andEleanor Rosch ). "The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience". MIT Press.
* 1992 (with P. Bourgine, eds.). "Towards a Practice of Autonomous Systems: The First European Conference on Artificial Life". MIT Press.
* 1992 (with J. Hayward, eds.). "Gentle Bridges: Dialogues Between the Cognitive Sciences and the Buddhist Tradition". Boston: Shambhala Press.
* 1993 ( with D. Stein, eds.). "Thinking About Biology: An Introduction to Theoretical Biology". Addison-Wesley, SFI Series on Complexity.
* 1997 (ed.). "Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying". Boston: Wisdom Book.
* 1996-99. "Invitation aux sciences cognitives". Paris: Seuil.
* 1999. "Ethical Know-How: Action, Wisdom and Cognition". Stanford University Press.
* 1999 (with J. Shear, eds.). "The View from Within: First-Person Methodologies in the Study of Consciousness". London: Imprint Academic.
*1999 (with J. Petitot, B. Pachoud, and J-M. Roy, eds.). "Naturalizing Phenomenology: Contemporary Issues in Phenomenology and Cognitive Science". Stanford University Press.References
External links
* [http://www.atopia.tk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=28&Itemid=53 Intimate Distances] An autobiographical essay written shortly before his death
* Francisco Varela: In memoriam:
** [http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/v7/psyche-7-12-thompson.html Evan Thompson]
** [http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/varela/varela_index.html John Brockman]
** [http://www.enolagaia.com/Varela.html Randall Whitaker]
*"The Embodied Mind":
** [http://www.yorku.ca/evant/ Evan Thompson,] coauthor.
** [http://psychology.berkeley.edu/faculty/profiles/erosch.html Eleanor Rosch,] coauthor.
**Daniel Dennett , 1993, " [http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/papers/varela.htm Review of The Embodied Mind,] " "American Journal of Psychology 106": 121-26.
* " [http://enactive.do.sapo.pt/ Escher, enaction & intersubjectivity.] "
* " [http://www.expo-cosmos.or.jp/letter/letter12e.html Why the mind is not in the head] " The Cosmos Letter, Expo'90 Foundation, Japan
* Franz Reichle, 2004. [http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000UEMA68 Film Monte Grande - What is Life?]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.