Infobox Company
company_name = Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
company_type = Non-profit organization
foundation = 1990
location = Largo, Maryland
key_people = Dr. Steven M. Greer, Founder
industry =
products =
revenue =
operating_income =
net_income =
num_employees =
parent =
subsid =
homepage = [http://www.cseti.org cseti.org]
footnotes =

Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to understanding Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI). It was founded in 1990 by Dr. Steven M. Greer, who is also the organization's International Director. CSETI is a worldwide effort focusing on placing qualified research teams into the field where UFO movements are actively occurring and having the qualified research teams guide UFOs into specified locations in order to initiate communication. Communication protocols include the use of sound, light and thought (consciousness). Thought (consciousness) is the primary mode used by the qualified research teams in initiating contact with ETI.


CE-5 initiative

Fifth type of close encounters with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI). The encounters are described as joint, bilateral contact events instead of unilateral contact events. CE-1 through CE-4 are passive, reactive and ETI initiated contact events. On the other hand, CE-5 contact events are produced through the conscious, voluntary and proactive human-initiated or cooperative communication with ETI. CSETI believes that the ultimate control of CE-5 contact events should remain in the hands of the technologically more advanced ETI.

Disclosure Project

The Disclosure Project is a non-profit organization that intends to declassify and disclose all information on UFO and extraterrestrial-related issues the group alleges the U.S. government has classified and kept secret. The group also requests open and honest hearings regarding the UFOs, extraterrestrials, and advanced-energy and propulsion systems that also remain classified.

Core principles

These are stated on their [http://www.cseti.org/ce5.htm homepage] :
* There is strong evidence for the existence of ETI, ETI civilizations, and ETI spacecrafts.
* ETI have been and are currently visiting the Earth.
* Careful bilateral communications between ETI and humans is of continuing importance and will increase in the future.
* CSETI approaches the study of ETI with cooperative, peaceful, non-harmful intentions and procedures.
* The establishment of a lasting world peace is essential to the full development of the ETI-Human relationship.
* Both humans and ETI, as conscious, intelligent beings, are essentially more alike than dissimilar; CSETI is dedicated to the study of both our shared and unique characteristics.
* CSETI operates on the premise that ETI net motives and ultimate intentions are peaceful and non-hostile.
* It appears probable that more than one extraterrestrial civilizations is responsible for the ETI contact so far observed. It is likely that this represents a cooperative effort.
* CSETI will attempt to cultivate bilateral ETI-human contact and relations which will serve peaceful, cooperative goals. It is NOT a goal of CSETI to acquire ETI advanced technologies which may have a potential harmful or military application if disclosed prematurely.

Extraterrestrial life

CSETI's categorization of extraterrestrial life forms is show below. [cite book | last = Greer | first = Steven | authorlink = Steven M. Greer | coauthors = | title = Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications | publisher = Cataloging-in-Publication (Quality Books, Inc.) | date = 1999 | location = USA | pages = 68-72| url = www.disclosureproject.org | doi = | id = | isbn = 978-0-96-732380-0]


* Humans - Intelligent, higher life form existing initially in biological body and native to Earth.
* ET life forms - Intelligent, higher life forms existing initially in a biological body and native to various planets other than Earth.
* Planetary life forms - Non-anthropomorphic intelligent beings identified with an entire planetary body; for example, the Earth as Gaia, an intelligent, awake being that is the entire planet Earth, as a living organism. Other planetary bodies, as well as solar and galactic bodies are thought to be individual conscious organisms.
* Other biological life forms - On Earth, organisms such as dolphins and cetaceans, which are thought to be highly intelligent and yet non-human; theoretically, other planets may possess corollaries to these as non-anthropomorphic intelligent biological life forms.


* Physical Beings:*Beings made of physical/informational fields of different kinds (special vacuum structures and states).:*Beings made of different combinations of atomic plasmas in a honeycomb 3D structure.
* Astral (light) beings::* Originate from the Earth. They are deceased previously biological humans.:* Originate from non-Earth origin. They are either deceased ET biological life forms or are beings from the astral or causal realms.
* Causal (thought) beings::* Originate from the Earth. They are deceased previously biological humans.:* Originate from non-Earth origin. They are either deceased ET biological life forms or are beings from the astral or causal realms.

Communication protocol

This is a list of the techniques used by CSETI in order to communicate with ETI: [cite book | last = Greer | first = Steven | authorlink = Steven M. Greer | coauthors = | title = Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications | publisher = Cataloging-in-Publication (Quality Books, Inc.) | date = 1999 | location = USA | pages = 180| url = www.disclosureproject.org | doi = | id = | isbn = 978-0-96-732380-0]
* Simple light or laser signals.
* Telepathic contact and projection.
* Ground-based visuals, such as crop circle-like (or other) symbols placed on the ground to be visible from the sky.
* Auditory and/or non-auditory sound waves.
* Direct speech/language (assume ETI translation capabilities).

ETI responses

This is a list of different ETI responses that may occur after CSETI has attempted to make contact using their communication protocol: [cite book | last = Greer | first = Steven | authorlink = Steven M. Greer | coauthors = | title = Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications | publisher = Cataloging-in-Publication (Quality Books, Inc.) | date = 1999 | location = USA | pages = 265-266| url = www.disclosureproject.org | doi = | id = | isbn = 978-0-96-732380-0]
* A person's body may warm up.
* There maybe an increase in the surrounding temperature.
* There may occur strange "technical" sounds appearing directly in ears (heard only by "spectator" ).
* There maybe an apparent change in the atmospheric pressure, which can be felt in the observers' ear.
* There maybe a decrease in wind - a stillness or quietness feeling perhaps leading to the feeling of warming mentioned above.
* Body vibrations from barely detectable to full-out shaking.
* Hair on the head, arms or legs may stand up.
* Sounds including: buzzing, humming, clicking, or strange, other worldly screeching (sometimes heard by only some of the observers).
* Radar detectors setting off for no obvious reasons.
* Animals in the area will respond with howling, barking, etc. Animals will often respond to ET presence before humans are aware of it.
* Scents or smells including ozone and flowers scents such as violets, roses, carnations, sage, etc.
* Emotional feelings especially that of warmth and love, sometimes so strong that people are moved to tears.
* If ETs are present, you may also get the following::* Shuffling sounds on gravel or rustling of branches, leaves, or grasses.:* Strange breathing or coughing sounds.:* Soft and gentle touches.:* Sparkling lights moving around and within the group. The lights can appear as small probes or as vertical forms or shapes of light often greenish or white.:* When a bare hand is moved through any light that forms, the hand will sparkle as though there was an electrical discharge.

Position papers

* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/goingtactical.htm Going Tactical] - 2004
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/TributetoSarahMcClendon.htm Tribute to Sarah McClendon] - 2003
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/yearendmsg2002.htm Dr. Greer's End of Year Message] - 2002
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/foundation.htm The Foundations of Interplanetary Unity] - 1994
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/disclosure911.htm Disclosure and 9/11 - An Analysis] - 2001
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/cni2.htm Dr. Greer's response to former Director of Central Intelligence Woolsey's letter re 1993 briefing.] - 1999
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/disclosure%20and%20transformation.htm Disclosure and Transformation - Why Disclosure of the UFO/ET Subject Matters] - 1999
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/criteria.htm Criteria for the Privatization of Disclosure of Information Related to UFO's/ETI] - 1998
* [http://www.cseti.org/press/pressrl5.htm PRESS RELEASE - Dozens of New Top-Secret Government UFO Witnesses Identified Over a Year After 1997 CSETI DC Briefings] - 1998
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/wit2.htm Key Chairmen of Congressional Committees put on Notice to hold Open Hearings about UFO/ETI] - 1997
* [http://www.cseti.org/press/pressrl.htm Press Release] - January 25, 1997
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/wit.htm Deadline Expires on CSETI Ultimatum to US Government regarding UFO Disclosure] - 1997
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/unacknowledged.htm Unacknowledged] - 1996
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/sgabduct.htm Abductions - Not All That Glitters is Gold] - 1996
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/etcosmo.htm Extraterrestrials and the New Cosmology] - 1995
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/national.htm National Security Implications of the UFO/ETI subject] - 1995
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/who.htm Who Are the Controllers?] - 1994
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/mute.htm Animal "Mutilations" and the ETs] - 1993
* [http://www.cseti.org/position/greer/comp.htm Comprehensive Assessment of the UFO/ETI Phenomenon] - 1991


* cite web| last =Wegerif| first =Boudewijn | authorlink =| coauthors =| title =Zero Point Energy - Fact or Fiction| work =
publisher =Indybay| date =2002-02-11| url =http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2002/02/11/1159931_content.html
format =| doi =| accessdate =2007-04-03



* cite episode| title= [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=3888331 E.T. Might Prefer a Letter] | credits = Christopher Rose and Dan Werthimer| network= National Public Radio
station= Talk of the Nation| city=| airdate= 2004-09-03| minutes=12:57

* cite web
last =McCarthy
first =Paul
authorlink =
coauthors =
title =Close encounters of the fifth kind. (communicating with UFOs)
work =
publisher =Omni (magazine)
date =1992-12-01
url =http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-9263395_ITM
format =
doi =
accessdate = 2007-05-12

* cite web
last =Lord
first =Mary
authorlink =
coauthors =
title =The Unending Search for UFOs
work =
publisher =U.S. News & World Report
date =1997-04-14
url =http://www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/970414/archive_006675.htm
format =
doi =
accessdate =2007-05-12

External links

* [http://www.cseti.org/ CSETI Website]
* [http://www.seaspower.com/ SEAS Website]
* [http://www.disclosureproject.org/ Disclosure Project Website]
* [http://www.Aero2012.com/ AERO - Advanced Energy Research Organisation]

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