List of members of the Swedish Academy

List of members of the Swedish Academy


This is a list of members of the Swedish Academy by seat number. The dates shown indicate the terms of the members, who generally serve for life except for Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt who was excluded twice.

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#Anders Johan von Höpken, 1786-89
#Nils Philip Gyldenstolpe, 1789-1810
#Johan Olof Wallin, 1810-39
#Anders Fryxell, 1840-81
#Hans Forssell, 1881-1901
#Carl Bildt, 1901-31
#Birger Wedberg, 1931-45
#Birger Ekeberg, 1945-68
#Sture Petrén, 1969-76
#Sten Rudholm, 1977-

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#Carl Fredrik Scheffer, 1786 (never took seat)
#Abraham Niclas Edelcrantz, 1786-1821
#Carl Peter Hagberg, 1821-41
#Christian Eric Fahlcrantz, 1842-66
#Gunnar Wennerberg, 1866-1901
#Claes Annerstedt, 1901-27
#Martin Lamm, 1928-50
#Ingvar Andersson, 1950-74
#, 1975-99
#Bo Ralph, 1999-

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#Olof Celsius, junior, 1786-94
#Johan Adam Tingstadius, 1794-1827
#Carl Gustaf von Brinkman, 1828-47
#Albrecht Elof Ihre, 1848-59 (never took seat)
#Johan Börjesson, 1859-66
#Hans Magnus Melin, 1866-77
#Carl Gustaf Malmström, 1878-1912
#Henrik Schück, 1913-47
#Henrik Samuel Nyberg, 1948-74
#Carl Ivar Ståhle, 1974-80
#Sture Allén, 1980-, permanent secretary 1986-99

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#Johan Henric Kellgren, 1786-95
#Johan Stenhammar, 1797-99
#Claes Fleming, 1799-1831
#Carl Adolph Agardh, 1831-59
#Fredrik Ferdinand Carlson, 1859-87
#Claes Herman Rundgren, 1887-1906
#Ivar Afzelius, 1907-21
#Tor Hedberg, 1922-31
#Sigfrid Siwertz, 1932-70
#Lars Forssell, 1971-2007
#Anders Olsson, 2008-

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#Matthias von Hermansson, 1786-89
#Magnus Lehnberg, 1789-1808
#Jacob Axelsson Lindblom, 1809-19
#Carl von Rosenstein, 1819-36
#Jöns Jakob Berzelius, 1837-48
#Johan Erik Rydqvist, 1849-77
#Theodor Wisén, 1878-92
#Knut Fredrik Söderwall, 1892-1924
#Axel Kock, 1924-35
#Bengt Hesselman, 1935-52
#Henry Olsson, 1952-85
#Göran Malmqvist, 1985-

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#Johan Wingård, 1786-1818
#Adolf Göran Mörner, 1818-38
#Anders Abraham Grafström, 1839-70
#Fredrik August Dahlgren, 1871-95
#Hans Hildebrand, 1895-1913
#Sven Hedin, 1913-52
#Sten Selander, 1953-57
#Olle Hedberg, 1957-74
#Per Olof Sundman, 1975-92
#Birgitta Trotzig, 1993-

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#Axel von Fersen, senior, 1786-94
#Axel Gabriel Silverstolpe, 1794-1816
#Anders Carlsson af Kullberg, 1817-51
#Carl August Hagberg, 1851-64
#Wilhelm Erik Svedelius, 1864-89
#Nils Fredrik Sander, 1889-1900
#Albert Theodor Gellerstedt, 1901-14
#Selma Lagerlöf, 1914-40
#Hjalmar Gullberg, 1940-61
#Karl Ragnar Gierow, 1961-82, permanent secretary 1964-77
#Knut Ahnlund, 1983-

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#Johan Gabriel Oxenstierna, 1786-1818
#Esaias Tegnér, 1818-46
#Carl Wilhelm Böttiger, 1847-78
#Carl David af Wirsén, 1879-1912, permanent secretary from 1884
#Verner von Heidenstam, 1912-40
#Pär Lagerkvist, 1940-74
#Östen Sjöstrand, 1975-2006
#Jesper Svenbro, 2006-

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#Gudmund Jöran Adlerbeth, 1786-1818
#Hans Järta, 1819-47
#Carl David Skogman, 1847-56
#Henning Hamilton, 1856-81, acting permanent secretary from 1874 (resigned)
#Esaias Tegnér, junior, 1882-1928
#Otto von Friesen, 1929-42
#Einar Löfstedt, 1942-55
#Ture Johannisson, 1955-90
#Torgny Lindgren, 1991-

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#Anders af Botin, 1786-90
#Christoffer Bogislaus Zibet, 1790-1809
#Gustaf Lagerbielke, 1809-37
#Carl Fredrik af Wingård, 1837-51
#Henrik Reuterdahl, 1852-70
#Paul Genberg, 1871-75
#Carl Snoilsky, 1876-1903
#Harald Hjärne, 1903-22
#Fredrik Böök, 1922-61
#Erik Lönnroth, 1962-2002
#Peter Englund, 2002-

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#Nils von Rosenstein, 1786-1824, permanent secretary from 1786
#Lars Magnus Enberg, 1824-65
#Bror Emil Hildebrand, 1866-84, acting permanent secretary 1881-83
#Clas Theodor Odhner, 1885-1904
#Erik Axel Karlfeldt, 1904-31, permanent secretary from 1913
#Torsten Fogelqvist, 1931-41
#Nils Ahnlund, 1941-57
#Eyvind Johnson, 1957-76
#Ulf Linde, 1977-

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#Elis Schröderheim, 1786-95
#Isac Reinhold Blom, 1797-1826
#Gustaf Fredrik Wirsén, 1826-27
#Bernhard von Beskow, 1828-68, permanent secretary from 1834
#Carl Gustaf Strandberg, 1869-1874, acting permanent secretary 1872-1874
#Anders Anderson, 1875-92
#Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, 1893-1901
#Gustaf Retzius, 1901-19
#Adolf Noreen, 1919-25
#Bo Bergman, 1925-67
#Sten Lindroth, 1968-80
#Werner Aspenström, 1981-97
#Per Wästberg, 1997-

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#Gustaf Fredrik Gyllenborg, 1786-1808
#Frans Michael Franzén, 1808-47, permanent secretary 1824-34
#Bernhard Elis Malmström, 1849-65
#Carl Anders Kullberg, 1865-97
#Karl Alfred Melin, 1898-1919
#Anders Österling, 1919-81, permanent secretary 1941-64
#Gunnel Vallquist, 1982-

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#Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt, 1786-1794 (excluded)
#Malte Ramel, 1797-1824
#Erik Gustaf Geijer, 1824-47
#Elias Fries, 1847-78
#Carl Rupert Nyblom, 1879-1907
#Per Hallström, 1908-60, permanent secretary 1931-41
#Ragnar Josephson, 1960-66
#Lars Gyllensten, 1966-2006, permanent secretary 1977-86
#Kristina Lugn, 2006-

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#Carl Gustaf Nordin, 1786-1812
#Carl Birger Rutström, 1812-26
#Johan David Valerius, 1826-52
#Christofer Rutger Ludvig Manderström, 1852-1873, permanent secretary 1869-1872
#Anton Niklas Sundberg, 1874-1900
#Gottfrid Billing, 1900-25
#Hans Larsson, 1925-44
#Elin Wägner, 1944-49
#Harry Martinson, 1949-78
#Kerstin Ekman, 1978-

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#Carl Gustaf af Leopold, 1786-1829
#Samuel Grubbe, 1830-53
#Israel Hwasser, 1854-60
#Carl Vilhelm August Strandberg, 1862-77
#Viktor Rydberg, 1877-95
#Waldemar Rudin, 1896-1921
#Nathan Söderblom, 1921-31
#Tor Andræ, 1932-47
#Elias Wessén, 1947-81
#Kjell Espmark, 1981-

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#Johan Murberg, 1787-1805
#Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt, 1805-1811 (excluded)
#Gustaf af Wetterstedt, 1811-37
#Anders Magnus Strinnholm, 1837-62
#Louis Gerhard De Geer, 1862-96
#Pehr Jacob von Ehrenheim, 1897-1918
#Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, 1918-53
#Dag Hammarskjöld, 1954-61
#Erik Lindegren, 1962-68
#Johannes Edfelt, 1969-97
#Horace Engdahl, 1997-, permanent secretary since 1999

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#Nils Lorens Sjöberg, 1787-1822
#Anders Fredrik Skjöldebrand, 1822-34
#Pehr Henrik Ling, 1835-39
#Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom, 1839-55
#Johan Henrik Thomander, 1855-65
#Gustaf Ljunggren, 1865-1905
#Vitalis Norström, 1907-16
#Oscar Montelius, 1917-21
#Albert Engström, 1922-40
#Gunnar Mascoll Silfverstolpe, 1941-42
#Gustaf Hellström, 1942-53
#Bertil Malmberg, 1953-58
#Gunnar Ekelöf, 1958-68
#Artur Lundkvist, 1968-91
#Katarina Frostenson, 1992-

External links

* [ Members of the Swedish Academy at Projekt Runeberg] - in Swedish

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